Society & Culture & Entertainment Holidays & party

Let"s Enjoy Christmas Carols This Time Of Year!

Christmas carols, or Christmas songs, are a fundamental part of the holiday season.
I start listening to them as soon as Thanksgiving has passed.
They put me in the Christmas spirit and make me look forward to my favorite day of the year! There is something so comforting about Christmas music and how it can transport me right back to my beloved childhood.
I remember growing up and listening to Christmas carols with my family.
We would decorate the tree, eat cookies and cakes and enjoy spending time together.
For me, that is what Christmas is all about.
Spending time with loved ones and enjoying the little things.
Some of the most popular Christmas carols are: "Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer", "Let it Snow", "Jingle Bells", "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire", "All I want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth" and "White Christmas".
Now, these are just a few of the most popular.
Personally, my favorite Christmas carol is "O Holy Night".
"O Holy Night" lyrics are so beautiful to me and truly show the real meaning of Christmas.
I actually first heard "O Holy Night" in the comedic Christmas movie, Home Alone.
In that movie, Macaulay Culkin plays Kevin McCallister, a boy who has been left "Home Alone" over the holidays.
There are some menacing burglars that Kevin must defend his home from.
At one point in the movie, he stops into a church on Christmas Eve, and "O Holy Night" is sung by the beautiful choir.
It is a very sweet moment in the movie, and one that usually makes me cry.
Today there are many up and coming musicians who love to sing Christmas carols.
One of my very favorite musicians is Sufjan Stevens.
Sufjan has even created an entire Christmas album called "Songs for Christmas".
Some of the songs are famous ones we all know, and some of them are songs he has created.
If you have not heard of Sufjan, or hear "Songs for Christmas", I highly suggest you check him out as he is amazing! Another band that is stormed on the Indie Music Scene is She & Him.
She & Him features the musical delights of M.
Ward and Zooey Deschanel.
They are both incredibly talented and just released an album "A Very She & Him Christmas".
On this album they also do covers of old songs we all know, and few new ones thrown in for good measure.
Whatever you choose to listen to, enjoy your holiday season!

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