I Just Want To Be Loved!
The word "love" can mean anything to you but I always see it as a warm, kind feeling that exists between two or more people.
I see love when there is a strong affection or deep tender feelings for someone or something.
When Jesus recommended love as the first and the greatest of all the commandments (Matthew 22:37-38), He put a greater emphasis on it because it is the key element in pleasing God.
Love-affair is a matter of the heart.
There are so many people today who are suffering from a broken heart.
They have suffered so much from those who pretend to be in love with them.
As a result, it has become a burden and an impossible task to love again.
One truth about love is that no one can truly love another sincerely without first loving God with all his heart, soul, and mind.
I have searched everywhere around me to see that person that truly loves me as I am, but I found none.
Even the people that vow to stick their necks just because of us cannot boast of 40% of their loyalty to us.
This becomes clearer when we take a look at the home-front, to behold the character and utterances of those who swore "for-better-for worse" before settling down with us to build a home.
In so many homes, we see couples who create avenues to get misunderstood, even when they have what it takes to live happily together.
No one understands marriage except that the person understands the one who instituted it.
The Bible tells us that the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9).
It a wonder that people today only do certain things to fulfill obligation.
Marriage is not to be included in such things, so let no one go into marriage for the purpose of fulfilling obligation.
As a God of purpose, He instituted marriage for a purpose which He expected every person to respect.
God designed human life such that every part of it is an opportunity to get involved in someone else's problem.
Apart from being a solution to your personal problems, God equally positioned you as solution to someone else's problem.
Jesus demonstrated this when He triumphed over Satan's temptation, and then beautifully pursued the tasks of solving other people's problems.
It should be noted that when He encountered the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4), He got involved in her life and spoke to her about her need for spiritual power.
One who truly loves is that person who tries to meet both the physical and spiritual needs of others.
In a display of unprecedented love, Jesus left His Father in heaven and came to earth as a baby, and gave His life as an offering to God on the cross in our behalf, after living a perfect life (John 19:17-30).
The story did not end there; that same Jesus resurrected from the dead after three days, offering anyone that repents His gift of love.
My search for someone to love me ended the very moment I met Jesus.
Yours will also end if you could take the step of faith and accept the only Person who took your place when it was obvious that you needed to be rescued from your sin and its death penalty (Romans 5:8).
He will become your Saviour NOW if only you can repent of your sin and receive His gift of love.
Those who did, their yearnings for true love were assuaged; because Jesus loves us so much more than anyone else.
I see love when there is a strong affection or deep tender feelings for someone or something.
When Jesus recommended love as the first and the greatest of all the commandments (Matthew 22:37-38), He put a greater emphasis on it because it is the key element in pleasing God.
Love-affair is a matter of the heart.
There are so many people today who are suffering from a broken heart.
They have suffered so much from those who pretend to be in love with them.
As a result, it has become a burden and an impossible task to love again.
One truth about love is that no one can truly love another sincerely without first loving God with all his heart, soul, and mind.
I have searched everywhere around me to see that person that truly loves me as I am, but I found none.
Even the people that vow to stick their necks just because of us cannot boast of 40% of their loyalty to us.
This becomes clearer when we take a look at the home-front, to behold the character and utterances of those who swore "for-better-for worse" before settling down with us to build a home.
In so many homes, we see couples who create avenues to get misunderstood, even when they have what it takes to live happily together.
No one understands marriage except that the person understands the one who instituted it.
The Bible tells us that the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9).
It a wonder that people today only do certain things to fulfill obligation.
Marriage is not to be included in such things, so let no one go into marriage for the purpose of fulfilling obligation.
As a God of purpose, He instituted marriage for a purpose which He expected every person to respect.
God designed human life such that every part of it is an opportunity to get involved in someone else's problem.
Apart from being a solution to your personal problems, God equally positioned you as solution to someone else's problem.
Jesus demonstrated this when He triumphed over Satan's temptation, and then beautifully pursued the tasks of solving other people's problems.
It should be noted that when He encountered the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4), He got involved in her life and spoke to her about her need for spiritual power.
One who truly loves is that person who tries to meet both the physical and spiritual needs of others.
In a display of unprecedented love, Jesus left His Father in heaven and came to earth as a baby, and gave His life as an offering to God on the cross in our behalf, after living a perfect life (John 19:17-30).
The story did not end there; that same Jesus resurrected from the dead after three days, offering anyone that repents His gift of love.
My search for someone to love me ended the very moment I met Jesus.
Yours will also end if you could take the step of faith and accept the only Person who took your place when it was obvious that you needed to be rescued from your sin and its death penalty (Romans 5:8).
He will become your Saviour NOW if only you can repent of your sin and receive His gift of love.
Those who did, their yearnings for true love were assuaged; because Jesus loves us so much more than anyone else.