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Guns Don"t Kill People - Gun Control Kills People

You've seen the commercial.
There are several variations, but an innocent family is minding their own business at home when someone tries to break in.
Everyone is terrified.
They huddle helplessly until the Alarm Company calls to ask "Is everything all right?" Whereupon the victims tell him of the attack, and he responds heroically, "I'm contacting the police right away!" How insulting to the viewer's intelligence! First of all, if a crime victim has a telephone handy, why wait for the Alarm Company to call? They should be on the phone right away, calling the police.
Secondly, who says the criminal is going to run away the minute he hears an alarm? Plenty of B and E men are hopped up on drugs and don't even hear the alarm.
Home invaders don't run away, they attack.
Rapists and enraged domestic attackers are likely to press forward.
In a situation like that, you need more than a phone call from the Alarm Company...
you need a gun! It isn't Politically Correct any more.
As we move ever closer to socialism, Americans are increasingly told that guns are bad for you.
That guns kill people.
That more restrictions on the use and ownership of guns are needed.
Increasingly, Americans seem to be buying it.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Guns don't kill people, but Gun Control certainly does.
It isn't rocket science.
Nor is it redneck ideology.
It's just ordinary common sense, the kind that is rapidly disappearing from America.
Logic, not emotion, is the key.
Think about it -- if you were a criminal intent on breaking into someone's home, or robbing someone on the street, how willing would you be to carry out that intent if you thought the victim might be armed? I, for one, would look around for someone weaker and more defenseless.
I think you would too.
But political correctness and socialist-leaning politicians try to tell you differently.
Every time there is a mass killing, whether in a church, shopping mall, or college campus, renewed screams of GUN CONTROL reverberate from sea to sea.
It's predictable, and it's laughable.
Gun control is not what is needed.
What is needed are fewer restrictions on guns so that law-abiding citizens can protect themselves.
Remember the Long Island Expressway slaughter? One man walked through a commuter car and shot people in their seats, even stopping to reload before continuing his rampage.
He was finally tackled when he stopped again to reload, but by then several people were dead and several more maimed.
Then there was the Luby's Restaurant massacre in Texas, where a man drove a pickup truck through the side of the building, then stepped out and began killing people with a gun.
And how many times have we heard of university campus massacres, both here and in Canada, where one man with a gun cornered a group of helpless students and began butchering them? And who can forget Columbine? Gun control laws did not prevent any of those, or hundreds of other, murders.
What gun control did do was prevent those victims from defending themselves.
If one person, in each of those situations, had returned fire, or even threatened to do so, I submit that a very different result would have been achieved.
Any number of events are on record where one or more armed citizens resisted a gunman with favorable results.
One or two might have been killed, but many were saved by armed resistance to the killer.
America's socialist press rarely reports such cases, of course, or they carefully edit the story so the complete facts aren't known.
In one recent case in Colorado, where a female security guard killed a gunman who had attacked people in a church, the story was reported, but subsequent reports painted the security guard as a loser.
I call her a hero.
I can already hear the protests -- about gun accidents, children killed while playing with loaded guns.
Yes, there will always be accidents.
There is no utopia.
Basic safety must be taught, and children who are taught gun safety are much safer than children who have been shielded from guns, then find one and play with it out of curiosity.
Children are also killed in auto accidents, but we don't ban automobiles just because some people drive when drunk.
The same logic, the same COMMON SENSE, should be used when dealing with guns.
People who are armed are much less likely to become victims of crime.
Guns don't kill people.
Gun control kills people.

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