Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Law of Attraction - How to Identify Your Next Action Step

I have written much about the basics of getting in alignment, getting in touch with your higher or inner self and getting into the practice of listening for the guidance in that very basic form that we call emotion.
Indeed, this is the easiest access, constant and immediately accessible form of contact that you have with your inner or higher self.
As you begin to set the intention of aligning with your higher self, as you begin the practice of taking your emotional temperature and actively listening to and paying attention to your own internal dialogue, as you begin to pay attention to and act on those internal, intuitive prompts, you begin a slow but extremely powerful evolution - a shift in vibrational frequency that will move you towards the place you want to be.
What you need to understand about manifesting anything you desire into your experience is that it must be in alignment with your higher self, your higher intentions.
This does not mean that your higher self has some sort of secret agenda that you don't know about and you must get in alignment and find out about it in order to make progress.
This is not the case.
But your higher self does have a sort of fundamental value system, a set of principles to guide you and you need to be in alignment with that in order to move forward.
You know this to be true on a deep level because you will have internal reactions to things that other people might not react to.
You have internal nudges, which are unique to you.
You have your own unique set of guidelines that comes from within and you need to tune in to this and become sensitive to it in order to align with higher self and, from there, to manifest what you desire into your experience.
Without wanting to sound cliché, you have to be true to your SELF.
Otherwise, I believe your results will be inconsistent.
As you align more and more, as you become sensitive to those internal nudges and as you begin to listen more to your internal instincts than to what the outside world is saying, you are becoming more and more the master of your experience.
This is like a muscle that you must exercise.
The more you do it, the more you listen and act on your own internal guidance, the stronger your intuition becomes.
Each time you tune in to and listen to it, you are inviting more of it into your experience.
In a recent article I wrote about finding that task that you can do in your daily routine which gets your mental juices flowing - those tasks that occupy your hands or body but leave your mind free to wander or "zone out".
(See my article entitled Taking Ownership and Energy Sappers".
) For me, it's when I'm at the gym, exercising and zoning out.
These times will become your powerful moments when you learn to use them properly.
Here's what to do: begin your busy task by setting the firm intention to tune into your higher self.
If there is something that you want to manifest or if you need and answer or solution to something, plant that seed at the beginning of your task and then let it go.
Don't make this WORK, it shouldn't be hard.
Just set the intention to tune into higher self, plant the seed of your desire and make the time you spend doing your task a time of guided thought, so that you are consciously focussing on positive things.
Like I said, this should not be WORK.
It should be easy and fun, like daydreaming about your dreams come true, but you need to exert just enough discipline to bring your thoughts back onto positive subjects when you notice that they are wandering, or back to something positive when they are veering in the wrong direction.
This should feel good.
Keep it light and easy.
That may not sound like much of an exercise to you, but it is a times like this when I get my biggest and most brilliant flashes of inspiration.
I don't mean for this to sound spooky or magic or something.
It's not like a booming, audible voice that comes from the netherworld.
It's not.
It's just those eureka moments when something occurs to you out of the blue, when you have a great idea out of nowhere.
Sometimes it doesn't even seem that earth shattering in the moment.
It's just like, oh yeah, I could do that.
THIS is where you will receive guidance about how to manifest those desires, about what your next baby action step could be.
I hope you have found this article useful.
Please leave a comment on my blog at http://www.
to let me know if this has helped or make a suggestion about something you want me to write about.
For now, I wish you peace and joy.
Please know that no matter who you are, no matter what you have done or manifested in your experience, YOU ARE a perfect expression of God.

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