Health & Medical Self-Improvement

One Step That Will Change Your Life

First I want to ask you.
What do you wish for? Are you completely happy to what you are having right now, or maybe not so much? Wishing it unfortunately isn't going to make it happen, approaching to life differently and taking action will.
Here is the step that I've provided spending weeks to write just because I want to say wise things so that people may be helped in this world.
That's why I wrote this important step to take in life.
Take Control.
How do you take control? First, you put together a life-plan.
Now putting together a life plan may seem very dull, boring and controlled, and in complete contrast to the unpredictability of life, but if you start one, you are on your road to changing your life.
I'm not talking about day to day detail; I'm talking about what you want out of life- bigger house, better jobs, business, etc...
I started looking at life and what I wanted from it.
I was very happy with a great job, nice house, but another side of me that wanted more.
So I decided to write a plan for the next year, which gave me a time frame and key goals to hit.
My goal was to own an online business that would make me money at least $ 200,000.
00 a year and then I would be happy.
One MONTH later, well maybe one and a half month later, I made $144.
I decided to take control over my life.
Apply a positive thought process, and set goals for myself which I focused on and challenged myself to meet.
Now I have a life-plan that shows me exactly what I want out of my life.
It doesn't mean that I lack any spontaneity, or excitement by any means, it simply means I know what I want and I have the plans to achieving it.
Taking control of life is recognizing that you can determine the road you take and the achievements you make.
Its about being assertive and responsible about the things you can control.
You should evaluate what you like about your life and what you don't like and take appropriate action.
If you want another job, go and get one.
If you feel the area of your life holding you back, confront it.
In contrast , if something supports what you do, embrace it and cherish it.
You need to establish what you want and plan on how you are going to get it.
Having goals is essential, because they give you direction and focus in life.
As John Wooden, the basketball coach was fond of saying " If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

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