What You hear Aint Want They Know
What You Hear Aint What You Get? Did you start off not believing in common sense? For me it was a justification for laziness and not doing the research to discover the existing knowledge.
Next, was the discovery that common sense (getting to the practical answer) was next to non-existent or a rarity, even among the best and the brightest.
It is as uncommon among Homo sapiens as hares in your hair.
Finally, the writer has come to value common sense as a lay term for intuition, an email from your right-brain with a practical hint or trigger.
Today my idea of how to discover information and make successful decisions is summed up in the term - Schemas.
They are mental frameworks offering strategies to create mental movies and associations (links) for the answers we desire.
Secret Schema #1 Profound Fact: pictures are the language of the brain, and associations are how we learn and remember information.
New stuff is associated (connected) with old stuff (long-term memories) already in our brain as neural networks.
There are seven key words that create geniuses.
You can use them as easily as Einstein did, but it takes effort.
It requires your affirmative decision to create this new strategy for success in your life.
You are either self-motivated and auto-didactic (self-taught) or not.
You must activate a program in your brain.
It is not something you can give your kids.
Each of us must trigger it for ourselves.
You can Point and Click it at age 10, at your 75th birthday, or never, it is your choice.
Thinking Thinking is using this schema.
You can stumble on it by accident early in the game, or be an apprentice and learn it through observation or trial-and-error.
Once more once, thinking consists of asking these seven questions and seeking out the answers.
A schema is a framework for developing a context for information in a baby-easy way.
When you own a schema you are an independent thinker, creative and imaginative because you have the information for successful decision-making.
Newspaper We tested thousand to summarize what they read in a particular article.
Would you believe up to 80% cannot give a simple coherent, two-sentence review, fifteen-minutes after they finish reading the newspaper story? 1.
Who? 2.
What? 3.
When 4.
Why? 6.
Which? and, 7.
How? Test Your Thinking Read the lead article in a either the New York Times or Wall Street Journal.
It is the story on the extreme left column.
Ask yourself the answers to these seven questions and create a mental picture of each answer; associate (link) your pictures to knowledge you already own as a long-term memory.
Do this and you are improving your thinking and knowledge and add up to 80% to your long-term memory.
You will be amazed at how much knowledge you already own, and how quickly your brain becomes a learning-memorizing super-computer by using the 7 Qs.
Caveat This schema is habit-forming and addictive.
Soon others will notice your genius emerging, but it is more important you become observant of your new talents and skills.
A lazy personality will say it requires too much work, and the old way worked just as well.
This is your comfort-zone voicing its point of view.
Volition is your right to choose to be your personal best.
Get This Professor Craig Palmer, U of Missouri Columbia offered this research in the journal of Human Ecology.
My first inclination was to be sarcastic at his naiveté at the plain common sense of what he reports.
Then I thought about it.
He said, Speech is motivated by social relations and circumstances to influence the listener.
Their answers do not reflect their true knowledge.
So? Folks speak to get a pat on the back for what they think or do.
We want compliments, confirmation of our brilliance, and to discover if the listener is a friend or enemy.
After ten years of a relationship, we still automatically ask ourselves the question - can I trust you? When we are asked a question, we frame our answer based on who we are speaking to, and think, WIIFM? (What is In It For Me?).
Are you not reluctant to disagree with friends, your significant-other, and your business career associates? How often does a student contradict his/her instructor? Do you want a reputation for not being a team-player? Check This Out Professor Palmer suggests you pay attention (concentrate) to the non-verbal behaviors of the speaker.
Watch their eyes, darting means lying to please you.
A handshake like a dead-fish is an indication of a timid personality who will regurgitate what you say and not offer their personal knowledge.
What about gestures, the tone, inflection and rhythm of their speech? Try focusing on their facial expressions - often a raised eyebrow; a false (Pan-Am) smile at an interview reveals the introduction of a falsehood.
Yes, body-language decoding is a secret strategy to successful decision-making.
Google Body-language.
A Human Resources director at a Fortune 100 company said, I look for the right Attitude.
We can teach the right candidate the proper skills required for the slot, but not the successful state of mind to be an executive.
Can you identify the right-attitude required in choosing a lawyer, CPA, doctor, or job-seeker? Endwords The secret ingredient of the Vital 20%, not found in the Trivial 80%, is Intentionality.
This fancy word means: directed toward a goal.
Intention and intent trigger (activate) the Prefrontal Cortex, Anterior Cingulate Cortex and Striatum of your brain.
Huh? Those are the decision-making, problem-solving brain structures of Homo sapiens.
No intention, no goal achieving.
It is always your choice.
First, you must choose to pay Attention.
Remember, 30% of the time you are daydreaming, and not focusing your attention on your short-term or long-term goal.
Second, you must to choose to Concentrate (centered) on your desires.
Folks with a burning desire get into their-Zone, in-the-Flow.
If you are wishy-washy about your goals, what do you guess the odds are in reaching them? Less than 20% for pure chance.
How often in your waking hours do you focus on mental pictures of your goals? Google Mirror Neurons.
Repetition reinforces your skills to achieve.
Third, is Intention, your commitment (movement) toward reaching your objectives.
The Trivial 80% fold after the first rejection; the Vital 20% use failure as negative feedback leading to their future success.
Now they know what does not work, and what not to use without further improvement.
See ya, copyright 2007 H.
Bernard Wechsler http://www.
Next, was the discovery that common sense (getting to the practical answer) was next to non-existent or a rarity, even among the best and the brightest.
It is as uncommon among Homo sapiens as hares in your hair.
Finally, the writer has come to value common sense as a lay term for intuition, an email from your right-brain with a practical hint or trigger.
Today my idea of how to discover information and make successful decisions is summed up in the term - Schemas.
They are mental frameworks offering strategies to create mental movies and associations (links) for the answers we desire.
Secret Schema #1 Profound Fact: pictures are the language of the brain, and associations are how we learn and remember information.
New stuff is associated (connected) with old stuff (long-term memories) already in our brain as neural networks.
There are seven key words that create geniuses.
You can use them as easily as Einstein did, but it takes effort.
It requires your affirmative decision to create this new strategy for success in your life.
You are either self-motivated and auto-didactic (self-taught) or not.
You must activate a program in your brain.
It is not something you can give your kids.
Each of us must trigger it for ourselves.
You can Point and Click it at age 10, at your 75th birthday, or never, it is your choice.
Thinking Thinking is using this schema.
You can stumble on it by accident early in the game, or be an apprentice and learn it through observation or trial-and-error.
Once more once, thinking consists of asking these seven questions and seeking out the answers.
A schema is a framework for developing a context for information in a baby-easy way.
When you own a schema you are an independent thinker, creative and imaginative because you have the information for successful decision-making.
Newspaper We tested thousand to summarize what they read in a particular article.
Would you believe up to 80% cannot give a simple coherent, two-sentence review, fifteen-minutes after they finish reading the newspaper story? 1.
Who? 2.
What? 3.
When 4.
Why? 6.
Which? and, 7.
How? Test Your Thinking Read the lead article in a either the New York Times or Wall Street Journal.
It is the story on the extreme left column.
Ask yourself the answers to these seven questions and create a mental picture of each answer; associate (link) your pictures to knowledge you already own as a long-term memory.
Do this and you are improving your thinking and knowledge and add up to 80% to your long-term memory.
You will be amazed at how much knowledge you already own, and how quickly your brain becomes a learning-memorizing super-computer by using the 7 Qs.
Caveat This schema is habit-forming and addictive.
Soon others will notice your genius emerging, but it is more important you become observant of your new talents and skills.
A lazy personality will say it requires too much work, and the old way worked just as well.
This is your comfort-zone voicing its point of view.
Volition is your right to choose to be your personal best.
Get This Professor Craig Palmer, U of Missouri Columbia offered this research in the journal of Human Ecology.
My first inclination was to be sarcastic at his naiveté at the plain common sense of what he reports.
Then I thought about it.
He said, Speech is motivated by social relations and circumstances to influence the listener.
Their answers do not reflect their true knowledge.
So? Folks speak to get a pat on the back for what they think or do.
We want compliments, confirmation of our brilliance, and to discover if the listener is a friend or enemy.
After ten years of a relationship, we still automatically ask ourselves the question - can I trust you? When we are asked a question, we frame our answer based on who we are speaking to, and think, WIIFM? (What is In It For Me?).
Are you not reluctant to disagree with friends, your significant-other, and your business career associates? How often does a student contradict his/her instructor? Do you want a reputation for not being a team-player? Check This Out Professor Palmer suggests you pay attention (concentrate) to the non-verbal behaviors of the speaker.
Watch their eyes, darting means lying to please you.
A handshake like a dead-fish is an indication of a timid personality who will regurgitate what you say and not offer their personal knowledge.
What about gestures, the tone, inflection and rhythm of their speech? Try focusing on their facial expressions - often a raised eyebrow; a false (Pan-Am) smile at an interview reveals the introduction of a falsehood.
Yes, body-language decoding is a secret strategy to successful decision-making.
Google Body-language.
A Human Resources director at a Fortune 100 company said, I look for the right Attitude.
We can teach the right candidate the proper skills required for the slot, but not the successful state of mind to be an executive.
Can you identify the right-attitude required in choosing a lawyer, CPA, doctor, or job-seeker? Endwords The secret ingredient of the Vital 20%, not found in the Trivial 80%, is Intentionality.
This fancy word means: directed toward a goal.
Intention and intent trigger (activate) the Prefrontal Cortex, Anterior Cingulate Cortex and Striatum of your brain.
Huh? Those are the decision-making, problem-solving brain structures of Homo sapiens.
No intention, no goal achieving.
It is always your choice.
First, you must choose to pay Attention.
Remember, 30% of the time you are daydreaming, and not focusing your attention on your short-term or long-term goal.
Second, you must to choose to Concentrate (centered) on your desires.
Folks with a burning desire get into their-Zone, in-the-Flow.
If you are wishy-washy about your goals, what do you guess the odds are in reaching them? Less than 20% for pure chance.
How often in your waking hours do you focus on mental pictures of your goals? Google Mirror Neurons.
Repetition reinforces your skills to achieve.
Third, is Intention, your commitment (movement) toward reaching your objectives.
The Trivial 80% fold after the first rejection; the Vital 20% use failure as negative feedback leading to their future success.
Now they know what does not work, and what not to use without further improvement.
See ya, copyright 2007 H.
Bernard Wechsler http://www.