Health & Medical Self-Improvement

The Spirit of Giving

Thanks"giving", our wonderful American holiday that we just celebrated, honors the Pilgrims giving thanks for their harvest after surviving the extreme hardships of their journey to the New World. Our leftovers have scarcely cooled and we immediately begin the race to Christmas for another type of giving.  

Let's stop for a moment to think about the "giving". Has it become just another task to check off an impossible list of things to do?  Sometimes the traditions of the season are so overwhelming that we end up going through the motions rather than enjoying and cherishing the true spirit of what it means to give.  

Giving is good for our minds.  Picking out the perfect sweater for Aunt Martha, dropping cash into the Salvation Army bucket, or volunteering time at a food bank makes us happy.   Science shows that altruism releases endorphins into the brain producing positive feelings for the giver.  This is often called the "helper's high".

Giving is healthy for our bodies. Helping others has been shown to increase health benefits in people. It helps decrease stress including lowering blood pressure.  Doing good does a body good!

Giving promotes social connection.  We need each other. Giving to others, whether time, talent, or treasure, connects us and helps satisfy our need for love and belonging according to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. 

Giving cultivates gratitude.  The more we give the more grateful we are.  Counting our blessings makes us more optimistic and strengthens our connection to others.

Giving is contagious.  One simple act of kindness creates a ripple effect on others.  Observers who witness a generous act will behave generously towards others at a later time.

Think creatively when giving gifts.  Perhaps Aunt Martha doesn't need a new sweater but could use her gutters cleaned or leaves raked.  Give a gift to a complete stranger.  Many communities advertise gift drives for children and families in need.  Give the gift of each other.  Plan a family get-together that encourages everyone to spend time engaged in a fun activity, caroling for example.  Try to think of giving all year long and not just during the holiday season.

So as we embark on another holiday season, let's embrace the true spirit of giving and parlay the checklist into a joyful journey of health and happiness for others as well as ourselves.  

"The habit of giving only enhances the desire to give." ---Walt Whitman

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