Health & Medical Self-Improvement

The Workaholic Quiz - 5 Definitive Questions That Tell You If You Are a Workaholic

If you're like me, and you get a lot of joy and satisfaction from accomplishing things at work, then you might take things too far every now and then and fall under the category of 'workaholic'.
There's a fine line between having a healthy work life balance and having the scales tipped just that little bit towards work.
All you need is 5 definitive questions to determine whether or not you are a workaholic.
Are you ready? Answer yes or no to the following...
  • Do you find yourself constantly preoccupied with your work?
  • Do your family and friends complain that they hardly get to see you?
  • Do you take your work with you when you go home?
  • Do you find it increasingly difficult to get time to relax and have fun?
  • Do you find it difficult to have food at the correct times?
Got your answers? Here's where you stand in the 'Workaholics Club': 5 - Chairman and Honourary Life President 4 - Board of Directors 3 - Veteran Member 2 - Ordinary Member 1 - Interim Member "Oh come on, I've only got 1 out of 5, that doesn't make me a workaholic!" Well, yes it does.
None of your answers should be yes.
Being a veteran member myself, it's something that I've definitely got to work on as well.
Why? Isn't being a workaholic a good thing? You get things done and your employer loves you for it.
Well, it's got to do with your mental health and well-being.
You see, being a workaholic isn't all that great.
You'll be familiar with the saying, "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
" We're all wired to function optimally with a healthy balance of stress and relaxation.
Too much stress and you'll get burnt out.
Too little stress and you'll be a squishy couch potato.
Personally, ever since I begun doing business, my workaholic club membership status has been steadily increasing.
I've been brought up to equate activity with productivity, but you know what? My best results often came from periods of fun and relaxation.
That's where the bulk of your energy is going to come from too! So don't be fooled into thinking that you have a perpetual source of energy in you that doesn't need to be replenished.
If you're smart about it, you'll be able to avoid major productivity killers like burnout and ill-health and live a life full of both fun and accomplishment.
I know my girlfriend is going to laugh at me when she reads this, because I really am the consummate workaholic.
It's something that I'm 'working' (pun intended!) on and she's a big part of helping me keep that balance.
I encourage you as well to involve your loved ones and close friends in your effort to keep the balance.

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