Travel & Places Fly Fishing

How to Make Soft Plastic Fishing Molds

    • 1). Apply a thin coating of Vaseline jelly to the inside of the container where the mold will be made. This step is essential as the jelly allows the Bondo to separate from the plastic form.

    • 2). Mix the Bondo following the manufacturers instructions on the container. Make sure to adjust the proportions for the size project you are working on. Also make sure there is plenty of ventilation while working with the body filler.

    • 3). With the Bondo mixed, use the stir stick to help pour the mixture into the plastic mold and smooth the filler until it is level. You can also lightly tap the mold on a table to help remove any bubbles and evenly settle the mixture.

    • 4). Bondo typically sets rather quickly so do not walk away at this point. Completely coat the bait to be copied with petroleum jelly and gently place on the surface of the filler. For a half form mold, press the plastic into the mixture until half of the bait is submerged. For baits such as creatures and other flat sided designs, press the bait completely in the mix until the flat side is even with the surface of the filler.

    • 5). Now you may leave and allow the mixture to set. When hardened, remove the mold from the plastic form. Next, gently work the plastic bait from the form taking care to not cause any deep nicks or scratches in the form. With the bait removed, inspect the mold for any areas which may need to be cleaned up with a hobby knife or sand paper and your mold is complete.

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