Travel & Places Fly Fishing

What Kind of Fish Live in a Eutrophic Lake?

    Characteristics of a Eutrophic Lake

    • Typically, lakes are divided into three trophic categories: oligotrophic, mesotrophic and eutrophic. When a lake is oligotrophic it will be deep with crystal-clear waters. Plant life in and around the water is sparse. When a lake is mesotrophic, it is beginning to fill in. The water is not as clear because of the sediment building up on the bottom. Plant growth increases in and around the water as well. Characteristics of a eutrophic lake include a high nutrient environment, high planktonic growth, extensive aquatic plant beds, much sediment accumulation and low dissolved oxygen on the bottom. The lake will also have "tea- colored" or cloudy water, warmer water temperatures and habitation by warm water fish species.

    Warm Water Fish Species

    • There are many different varieties of warm water fish, including big and little sunfish, varieties of bass, yellow perch, black and white crappie, bluegill, channel catfish, carp and pickerel.

    Warm Water Fish Habitat

    • Warm water fish are found not only in eutrophic lakes but also in rivers with warmer water temperatures. A eutrophic lake supports warm water fish so well because of its high plankton growth and its large amount of aquatic insects and crayfishes, which these fish feed on.

    Warm Water Fish Reproduction

    • Warm water fish start spawning when water temperatures reach between 50 and 70 degrees, depending on the species. They can spawn on sand or muddy beaches, gravel shorelines or shallow areas high in aquatic vegetation. Eutrophic lakes provide all of these conditions, thus supporting warm water fish reproduction.

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