Society & Culture & Entertainment Holidays & party

Ideas for a Pajama Costume for a Little Girl

    Chocolate Chip Cookie

    • A little girl who enjoys cookies might like her very own cookie costume. Cut out four 12-inch-diameter circles in light brown felt. Out of dark brown felt, cut 10 smaller circular shapes for chocolate chips. Sew two pairs of circles together, leaving a 3-inch space to turn right-side out. Stuff with polyfill. Turn the circles right-side out and sew shut. Repeat this process with the other two circles. Sew five of the chips onto two of the circles. Add ties by cutting eight strips of the light brown felt and sewing four onto each cookie, spaced to tie above the little girl's shoulders and below the armpits. Wear solid-colored pajamas in white, brown or tan underneath the cookie.

    Little Lamb

    • Purchase a white pajama shirt or onesie and 2 yards of blanket-style batting. The Martha Stewart website advises to bunch the batting together at 1-inch increments and sew it to the shirt with a tacking stitch. Repeat the process across the front and back of the shirt. To make a matching hat, use a white hat and cut ear shapes from black felt. Stitch the felt to the hat for ears. Sew bunched batting around the hat. Wear the costume with white or black pajama pants.

    Flower Girl

    • Parents pressed for time might consider crafting this flower petal hat to add to green pajamas for a flower girl costume. Find a bonnet or hat in the desired flower color. With matching felt, cut 12 to 15 large petals and glue them along the front edge of the hat. For added pizazz, the Parenting website suggests cutting a 12-inch length of fringe from a contrasting color of felt and gluing the fringe to the hat to frame the little girl's face.


    • Little girls who enjoy dressing up might like a ballerina tutu costume. Purchase 10 yards of tulle in pink or desired color. Cut into strips 6 inches wide with scissors or use a rotary cutter as suggested by the Craft Passion website. Cut a 1-inch-wide elastic band about 3 to 4 inches smaller than the little girl's waist size and sew it closed. Fold tulle strips in half and tie the onto the elastic band. Push the bands together until all of the bands are tied onto the elastic. Wear this costume over white or pink pajamas.

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