Health & Medical Self-Improvement

As A Self Publisher

You can take your book to a publisher after you have proven its potential which puts you in a much stronger bargaining position.
Even better still publishers may approach you when they notice your impact in the market.
Other possibilities like movie rights, translation rights, serialization in newspapers are still open and yours to control and retain the income that might come from these sales.
'Selling' the rights to a publisher early removes control and a significant percentage of the income from all these options.
"Your book, your way.
" You decide on the text, images, layout, cover design, size and retail price.
You retain control over marketing and the marketing message.
Whilst we, as experienced printers for self publishers, can help and guide you through the (self) publishing journey and whilst we can even help you with marketing, public relations, publicity and distribution ideas you always have the final say.
Self publishing is usually about passion and by self publishing you keep your flame burning brightly.
We are often asked by potential self publishers how important is the cover design to the success of my book.
It seems to me a terrible thing to have to say to an authors but in certain circumstances the cover is critical to the sales of a book.
If your book is going to be sold through book shops, retail outlets or even on a multi listing format website it needs to stand out in the crowd.
It needs to be noticed.
Unless the cover grabs the potential buyer your contents will not be discovered.
There are many components to cover design and these don't stop with layout or printing.
Covers can also be embossed, foiled eg.
metallic gold or silver, uv varnished, as well as covered with a celloglaze (similar to laminating) that gives the cover a gloss and protects it against scuffing & marking.
There are a number of factors that influence how much the potential buyer perceives a book is worth.
Some of these factors are about perceptions of the content but others include the binding method (hard or case bound books are worth more than soft cover or paperbacks), the number of pages or thickness of the book and last but not least, how the cover looks.
Our in house graphic artists have designed hundreds of covers.
They also understand the practical aspects of cover design like spine width and positioning of barcode.
We are happy to help you design a great looking cover for your book.

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