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Limits of On Page Optimisation

There is a limit as to how far you can optimise the text on a page.
While good quality inbound links to a webpage has no upper range limit, the number of texts you have on a page and the number of keywords you place on a page can only go so far before it stops helping and starts harming your search engine rank and spoiling the look of the page.
The spam probability of a page's keyword density is determined using statistical functions by finding the normal distribution of the keyword on webpages.
The normal distribution of a particular set of keywords amongst all webpages that use those keywords will determine the webpages that are flagged as spam and webpages that are not.
The number of keywords that appear on a page has to be approximately normal against all webpages with that keyword.
However, the distribution of the keyword in the same website does not need to be of that same normal.
In other words, it has to correspond to a bell curve.
But using valid markup, and using common sence on page optimisation such as correct usage of meta data is still important in SEM.
Some people practice search engine optimisation without regard to aesthetics and their content pages, products pages and static pages are mostly just lists of keywords.
In the extreme cases it will eventually result in a spam flag if it falls significantly out of the range of normal distribution.
Sometimes clients who are unable to produce content for content pages send in a list of keywords and join them together into non-sensical but grammatical sentences.
Even if such textual content passes a spam test,a customer that sees such a page will be less likely to buy a product from such a site if they enter that site through such a page because no one likes websites that spam.
Traffic generatedfrom spammy seo will not convert into sales.
Classic and safe on page improvements for internet marketing include...
  • Heading tags: Use headings in the right places for primary keywords.
    You can improve the appearance of headings using CSS to blend it more gracefully to the rest of the page.
  • Title and meta tags: Use title and meta tags to place the webpage's primary keywords.
    The navigation should also have keywords used in anchor text.
    However the meta tags need to be different for every page otherwise, by the very definition of meta, pages with exactly the same meta data will be flagged duplicate.
  • In long pages, break the page up into groups and subgroups using a corresponding heading level such as 1, 1.
    1, and 1.
    Make sure to use paragraph tags instead of line breaks or divisions.
    If the paragraph is very short then that is the only situation when it is OK to bold or italic the entire paragraph.
  • Placing all content within heading tags is spam.
    Only use headings where appropriate.
    Headings should also not be bolded because they are already bold by default.
    This is similarly so for keywords used throughout the page.
  • Some SEO companies like to divide the page in such a way that the body text appears before the navigation links so that all the content appears before the navigation at the top of the page.
    However the effect of this is small and it is more important in practice to make sure that keywords appear normally in the order of the words used in actual content of the page instead of spending time on the visual layout of the page.

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