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The One Missing Component Which Lost Me $14,302 in MLM Profits

So you are failing miserably in your MLM and you are upset once again by all the lies your upline as shared with you.
You feel you have wasted your time & money on building a weak organization and you are about to rip your hair out because you are desperate to succeed.
Stop what you are doing.
What I am going to share with you will hopefully flip your world around and show you the secrets behind being a MLM or network marketing success.
Who is the last person you told about your opportunity? What did they say? How did you meet them? Are they really qualified to be in your organization? Are they really worth your time.
You see, this is the biggest problem with multi-level marketing these days, You are so focused on bringing people into your organization that you don't even look to see if they are right for the job or not.
Now of course you are not actually hiring these people, but in order to save you a lot of time and hassle, try qualifying your prospects to see if they would even be good for your business.
Ask them what their marketing plans or If they have any previous experience in network marketing.
Too many newbies are so anxious to sign someone up that they do mostly selling, and no qualifying.
This little technique alone will save you hours of time and thousands of dollars.
Put it this way, would you rather personally sponsor 1000 people that don't know how to market, or 10 people that are super networkers and are ambitious to succeed and know how to succeed.
It is very easy to find someone who says they want to succeed, but finding someone who wants to succeed and finding someone who can be molded and trained to duplicate what you have been doing to be successful will be much more beneficial and you will be rewarded much faster.
Network marketing has been around forever and was designed for only the strong to succeed.
They know that most people will join the company mostly for the product, with some intention to make some money recruiting.
However the executives know that not many people are good at networking so they know most will fail but they will probably do a good job of getting the word out and may even get a few people to try the product.
Typically the products are good so they will continue to use the product but will give up on promoting it actively.
This is a great way for these companies to make money as they are not spending money on advertising, they are focusing solely on the efforts of their users to get the word out to as many people as possible and it is a never ending cycle.
Here is the deal, I am tired of seeing people fail in this industry.
I could call you up today and ask you to join my organization but if I don't show you how to duplicate what I am doing, you will quit, which means I will have failed.
I don't like failing so I have decided to share something with you that will literally make money for you while driving an endless amount of leads for you to join in your organization.
You may have even seen it before but I am telling you this is how the pro's are doing it.
Nobody wants to lose money prospecting for leads.

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