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Millionaire Dating Advice: Five Values To Look For In A Guy

Do you already have some characteristics you think your man should possess? Do you have standards with which your man should try to measure up to? Do you have values that you are looking for in your dream man?

Knowing what you are looking for in a man, narrows down your search, and also minimizes the broken hearts that you may leave in your wake of tryiong to find your ideal man. Not to mention that you are also protecting yourself from heartbreak too.

Alright, so what kind of qualities should you look for in a man? Let's take a few of the qualities that promotes a healthy relationship:

1. Common Values - You would want a man who puts importance in the same values as you. This is so that you don't clash in the future, and so that you would get along better. Values like coming on time, and not being late. I strive to never get late in any activity or date, so I would expect my man to value time as I do. Of course, I get peeved when someone doesn't show up on time when I do, so it would be a sore point in the future if you would value being prompt, while he doesn't. Also, values like honesty, trustworthiness, and faithfulness are the most important. If you put much in store with these values, then you should find a man who would put as much importance on them as you do too.

2. Similar Culture - There are some cultures that call for exclusivity. For example, those that have Arab beliefs cannot marry anyone who doesn't have the same faith and who is not Arab themselves. Same with the old, traditional Chinese and Japanese families. So it would be better that you find a man who has the same culture as yourself so you do not clash with the rest of your clan, and so that your customs and traditions don't clash with each other.

3. Forgiving and Forgetting - As a couple, fighting would be inevitable. You would want someone who knows how to forgive, someone who won't keep a grudge. If you want a healthy relationship, you have to find a man that would be willing to forgive you when you do wrong. And of course, you in return, would also have to forgive him too.

4. Comfortable Around Children - If you expect children in the future, you would need someone who would be willing to give you that, and also share the responsibility of parenthood with you. Ask him flat out if he wants to have children (not like, flatout like, right now), in your later dates, and then gauge his reaction to the question.

5. Common Goals - If your goal is to have a family of your own with him, then of course, your goal must go along with the new partner. If buying your own house is a goal that you have set-up, then make sure that he would, because not to be so OC, but it's better to have someone whose goals are important to him, and goal-oriented on how to do the methods of achieving the said goals.

Now you know the important values that you cherish for in a man; then do make sure that your sugardaddies has at least some if not all of these values. You get to connect better and understand each other more if both the values your treasure aren't conflicting. So heads up gorgeous daters! Mr. Right is coming your way!

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