Travel & Places Fly Fishing

The Favorite Food of Sharks in Baja California

Interdisciplinary Center of Marine Sciences of National Polytechnic Institute PO Box 592, La Paz, BCS
Humans are not the favorite food of sharks. They do not attack humans because they are hungry, they just confuse with their favorite prey. Such is the case of attacks on surfers with their boards, which can be viewed below confused with the body of seals or sea lions favorite prey for large sharks, including white. Still no go on eating all the time, what they want in a dam is the amount of fat, which provide them the energy to swim, grow and reproduce. The white shark, one of the largest and can consume a seal not to eat for a week and a half.

The 350 species of sharks found in the world eat different prey that live in the ocean or in the seawater column. For example, hammerhead sharks in the Gulf of California overnight fed fish that are close to the seabed (eels, stingrays, etc... ) Near the surface of the water, feeding on mackerel or sardines, It also feeds on squid inhabiting depths up to 2000 meters, but these squid travel at night to the surface, hammer moments that build to feed hundreds of squid. In addition, these sharks dive into deeper waters (300-700 m) to feed on other species of squid.

Blue sharks from the cold waters of Baja California specialize in easy and consume small prey, such as langostillas ( species of small crabs), found by tons and thousands of copies. These will provide power to blue sharks, but not enough, so traveling to very deep (700-1000 m) waters to feed on squid that live there.
Another species that inhabit the waters of Baja California is the silky shark, found in tropical waters more. It feeds on squid at night perform their vertical migration to the surface. There are other dams that consumed this shark, pelagic octopus as close to the surface and called €Argonauts €. They are small and form a fragile shell hatching eggs.

It is also common to find the angel shark in waters of Baja California and Gulf of California. It feeds on organisms near the bottom and prey buried in the background, like shrimp and some fish species.

One of the largest sharks in the world is the whale, measuring up to 14 meters and is harmless to humans because they have very small teeth and feed on fish eggs and small marine organisms called plankton. In the Caribbean Sea and in the waters of Australia's common to find these giant feeding on fish eggs which spawn in one season of the year in the Gulf of California feed on small shrimp called krill.

There are species of sharks have sharp teeth like other and rather have them in a mosaic that allow them to "crush" their prey. Such is the case of the dogfish, which are small (less than one meter) and feed on crabs, clams and crabs.
They also live in Baja California small sharks (less than 70 cm) with a mixture of mosaic shaped teeth and sharp teeth. These sharks are called heterodntidos and their favorite preys are small organisms found near the bottom, such as shrimp, fish, snails and clams.

In conclusion, the sharks feed in different environments, have different ways of teeth and feed on different prey. It is common to approach the shore at night to eat fish and marine organisms nocturnal, which are easier to catch. They look for food that provides energy to move and survive.

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