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You Need Help With Your Best Man Speech Toast? I Can Help

So you're the Best Man but you have no idea what to say! The wedding is so special and you don't want to mess up this speech.
That's understandable.
Remember, the speech is typically given BEFORE everyone eats at the reception.
Don't get hung up on the "when" though.
The wedding couple may change where it is to be given so be sure the speech is appropriate for any time during the wedding/reception.
You don't have to be a writing scholar to come up with a good Best Man speech toast.
You just need a few tips to get you started.
Once you get going, you'll be well under way giving the best speech possible.
Let's get started.
Tip #1 Your speech / toast doesn't have to be long and drawn out but it should be heartfelt.
If this is someone you've known for a long time, this won't be difficult.
If your wedding speech toast is emotional, you will know it's from the heart.
This is about letting the groom know how happy you are for him and his new wife.
It's OK to be emotional! Tip #2 You could choose to start with something funny.
Perhaps you could share a slightly funny story.
Remember, you DO NOT want to embarrass anyone, especially the groom.
Also, keep in mind, what you may think is funny, the groom won't necessarily appreciate during your best man speech toast.
If you are going to go this route, you may want to run your funny story passed a few people and get their opinion as to whether it's appropriate before you throw it out the day of the wedding.
Tip #3 Write the speech in advance.
Practice it in front of a mirror.
Try to remember, you are going to be around a lot of people and whizzing through it won't work.
Practice saying your speech S-L-O-W-L-Y.
Much slower, in fact, than you would in typical conversation.
Make sure you are speaking loudly.
Also, take note, this is not so much a speech as it is a TOAST so keep it short.
Don't spend the time talking only of your friend.
Be sure to include things about his relationship with his new wife.
Here I've given you three ways to get you started on the "Best Man Speech Toast".
Have fun with it, keep it short and up-beat.
The key is saying the right thing.
Make it a heart-felt speech and then enjoy the reception!

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