Technology Microsoft Software & solutions

How to Make a Vista Startup and Repair Disk

    • 1). Download the Windows Vista recovery disc ISO file. Save the file to your desktop for easy access.

    • 2). Insert a blank DVD-R into your DVD drive.

    • 3). Click "Burn files to data disc" when the dialog box appears.

    • 4). Type "Vista Recovery Disc" in the box that asks you for a name for your disc.

    • 5). Click "Next." A second window will appear. This is the "empty disc" folder.

    • 6). Open the folder labeled "Desktop" to access the Windows Vista recovery disc ISO in the original window.

    • 7). Click on the ISO file, hold the mouse button and drag it over the "empty disc" folder. Release the mouse button to drop the file. The ISO file will automatically be burned to the DVD. This process takes a few minutes. After the file has completed burning to your DVD, your recovery DVD is ready to be used.

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