Child marriage
In many countries women are far behind the men in terms of education, games and sports, social status and establishment at the society faltering the prospective development of them. Women are performing below its potential. Some social systems and superstition account for this ambience. Fewer accesses to the education and child marriage are among the factors that hinder women's progress. Not a few countries the disease child marriage continues to happening violating the right of the young girls jeopardize their health, stopping their education, negating their childhood and limit their opportunities. Although there is no parent but wish good and prosperity for their young girls, their deficiency in proper education, knowledge and far sight fuel to marring their young girls off at childhood. They do not enough knowledge that an educated girl can change a family earning money in a job, a society and a community in a successful way where she lives with her knowledge, talent, and advice and guiding capacity Child marriage gives birth to a lot of appalling situation top of which is destroying a child life to a young girl. Childhood is a wonderful life for every girls and boys; going to school in a group, playing together, dream of a prosperous life and hanging out with friends give unfathomable pleasure which linger in the minds to the end of the life. Delay in marriage of a young girl offers benefits for all; she stays in education for long time turn her take a higher education. She gets a good job anchoring her family in a nice position thus pushing off poverty from the society. It empowers herself to take Important decisions in her family. Child marriage robs girls of their education, health and long-term prospects. Potential in a girl will not be flourished if she is married at a child.
Budding and prospects of a girl are withered away when she is marred off at a young stage. For the greater interest of a country women must be educated, respected and given chance to wheeling up in their potentialities and opportunities. The parents should let their girls choose to own future and marry. Child marriage is rampant in the rural areas. Developing countries contain major portion of its people yet in the rural areas. Of them, a few countries' young girls face appalling child marriage. These countries cannot get into much stride in the social and economic field if they fail to end child marriage. Being most of the young girls and women in illiterate and ignorant, a country cannot produce expectant result. Diverse program and training facilities are being launched for women in their countries and these should be extended to the woman residing in the rural areas to increase life-skills, literacy, livelihood and sexual and reproductive health information and services.
In sum up, the time has come for the people where child marriages are taken place put their effort to thwart it and galvanize society to take a stand against child marriage. It is time for policy makers, societies, families and young people to deal with the urgent issue. They have to make parents conscious to invest money in adolescence girls to be educated. All must work together and end child marriage.
Budding and prospects of a girl are withered away when she is marred off at a young stage. For the greater interest of a country women must be educated, respected and given chance to wheeling up in their potentialities and opportunities. The parents should let their girls choose to own future and marry. Child marriage is rampant in the rural areas. Developing countries contain major portion of its people yet in the rural areas. Of them, a few countries' young girls face appalling child marriage. These countries cannot get into much stride in the social and economic field if they fail to end child marriage. Being most of the young girls and women in illiterate and ignorant, a country cannot produce expectant result. Diverse program and training facilities are being launched for women in their countries and these should be extended to the woman residing in the rural areas to increase life-skills, literacy, livelihood and sexual and reproductive health information and services.
In sum up, the time has come for the people where child marriages are taken place put their effort to thwart it and galvanize society to take a stand against child marriage. It is time for policy makers, societies, families and young people to deal with the urgent issue. They have to make parents conscious to invest money in adolescence girls to be educated. All must work together and end child marriage.