Home & Garden Architecture

Removing Linoleum From the Floor

    • 1). Cut a square in the linoleum in one corner of the room and pull it upward to expose the flooring underneath.

    • 2). Pry the linoleum adjacent to your initial cut away from the subfloor as much as you can and aim a heat gun at the glue that prevents you from pulling the linoleum away any further. When the glue begins to soften, pull the linoleum in that area up.

    • 3). Continue the process of prying up the linoleum as much as you can and heating the glue underneath it until you are able to remove all the linoleum from the floor of the room.

    • 4). Heat remnants of glue that remain stuck to the floor with the heat gun. When they are warm enough to be malleable, scrape them off the floor with a putty knife.

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