Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Stop A Divorce and Improve Your Marriage

You may have seen friends or family members who have gone through a divorce and you always have in the back of your mind that it could happen to you. Or you might even be on the verge of a divorce. Although you can't control what your partner wants to do there are some things you can do to prevent or even stop a divorce. Here are five things you can start doing right now:

1) Show appreciation for your partner.
We all fall into the trap of taking our loved ones for granted. With our busy lives and other problems and stress that crop up in our lives this is an easy trap to fall in. But if we want to keep our relationships healthy we must make a conscious effort to find the time to appreciate each other. Since you are the only one who knows your partner well it is up to you to find out what it is that will make them feel appreciated. Some partners thrive on just hearing verbally that they are appreciated. Other partners really need to be shown with little gestures, notes or gifts that they are appreciated. Find something to appreciate in your partner and take action today.

2) Show that you respect your partner.
Respect your partner by listening and trying to understand their side of any situation. Be kind if they are going through a difficult time and try to be there for them. You don't have to solve their problems you just have to show support in whatever they are interested in or are going through. Respect them the way you would like to be respected. Leave them alone when they want to be left alone and join in with them when they want you to be with them.

3) Don't put each other down.
In a close relationship there is a certain element of trust that you build between each other. When you put your partner down, even in a joke, you lose a little of that trust each time you do it. Even putting your partner down in private does a great deal of damage. You both need to be able to be open and honest with each other. If one of you feels they may be put down for their feelings or things they might like or dislike or any other thing they have shared with you they will shut down and not share with you openly and honestly again. A relationship without trust is not worth having and can lead one of you to think of divorce.

4) Forgive and forget.
Everybody screws up at some time. We regret it and we don't want to do it again. But if our partner won't forgive us and move on then the relationship hits a roadblock that you may not be able to get over. And remember if you don't forgive your partner when they make a mistake then you cannot expect them to return the favor when you make a mistake. And we all make mistakes, it's inevitable.

5) Find time to spend with each other that is quality time.
It sounds like a clich but it is so true and so simple. If you don't find the time to spend with each other enjoying each other's company and doing things the two of you love then the relationship will get stale. Make an effort to talk to each other, go out with each other and share your feelings, hopes and dreams. This open line of communication is a sure fire way to prevent disagreements and it draws you closer together.

Maybe you will still have some misunderstandings and disagreements over some things that affect your family life but knowing you can sit down and talk it over in a nice calm setting can help to keep those problems from growing bigger and getting out of control.

These five simple things will keep you closer, in tune with each other, and will keep the idea of divorce out of your minds altogether.

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