Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How to Grow Weeping Cherry

    • 1). Dig the hole twice the size of the root ball of the tree. Take the weeping cherry carefully out of the nursery container so as to not damage the roots. Place the root ball in the middle of the hole, making sure the root ball is level with the ground, says Gardening Central.

    • 2). Backfill the hole, mixing in peat moss. Gardening Central advises filling in half of the hole and watering thoroughly, letting the water drain before continuing to fill the hole and watering again. Tamp the soil so it will reach down to the roots. Place a water hose by the newly planted tree, letting the water run for an hour and a half.

    • 3). Water the weeping cherry every three days until the tree is established. Afterwards, an inch of water per week is sufficient, including rain water.

    • 4). Apply a layer of mulch around the weeping cherry tree to prevent weeds and to retain moisture. Do not place mulch directly on the trunk of the tree.

    • 5). Apply a fertilizer using fertilizer spikes designed for trees. Follow the manufacturer's label for instructions on how to use the spikes properly for your type of weeping cherry tree.

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