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How to Check for Future-Dated Files on a Computer

    • 1). Click the "Start" button, and select "Computer" to open Windows Explorer.

    • 2). Click "Organize" in the top toolbar and select "Folder and Search Options." Select "Show hidden files, folders, and drives" in the "Advanced Settings" list on the "View" tab. Optionally, you can uncheck "Hide protected operating system files." Click "OK" to save your settings. This step is only necessary if you wish to include hidden files and system files in your search results.

    • 3). Click the search field in the top right of Windows Explorer, click "Date Modified" from the options drop-down menu and click today's date, which should be highlighted. This initiates a search for files dated with today's date.

    • 4). Double click the search parameters in the search box to edit them. Type a greater-than symbol -- designated ">" -- just before the date and press "Enter." The search restarts, but this time only looks for dates after today's date.

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