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Benefits Of Adopting Sustainability Practices As A Business In India

As made evident in the Arthashastra, philanthropy is an integral part of Indian culture, going back as far as 600BC. Ethical businesses work hard towards implementing sustainability initiatives that help improve the quality of life of stakeholders through business processes, working conditions, offering of safe and excellent products along with various other external programs for the community.

Why More Businesses in India need to imbibe the Sustainability meaning within their Organization

Product Differentiation

As product differentiation becomes a bigger challenge by the day, it is important for businesses to enable emotional binding with the customers. By providing a one stop solution through a sustaining brand image, businesses can connect with consumers and encourage them to be loyal to their brand. Many hotels within India for instance highlight their green and sustainable operations. In addition to this, commodity trading in rural India has been transformed with programs that efficiently marry technology with the rural markets.

Efficient Use of Resources

This is critical for all the stakeholders involved especially since it not only benefits communities and the environment but also has an across the board influence on the financial performance of your business. In addition to reduced operating costs and increased revenues for your business, this also helps inculcate a sense of social responsibility through the organization across all the business processes that are conducted. Conservation soon becomes a routine practice among all employees. Furthermore, this honest conduct, committed leadership combined with very responsible policies help create a sense of openness and trust inside and out of the organization.

Stakeholder Retention

Whether you are talking about employees, shareholders or even customers taking on sustainability practices within your manufacturing or service based business helps inculcate a sense of loyalty. The positive image attached to your brand motivates employees to stay on, customers to keep using your offerings and shareholders to continue investing in your business.

Introducing Innovation

In the context of CSR, innovation has proven to be a significant benefit to a company as well as the society in general. Many FMCG brands, restaurants, and other businesses have been able to innovate to develop new products or formats of service delivery that innovatively help contribute to sustainability. Imagine shampoo that requires less water to foam or a restaurant that serves food only in recycled plates.

Saving Costs

Once a company starts to engage in sustainability, it finds it to be an effective way in cutting costs. With the use of less packaging material or reduced energy, there is significant savings and quick. Something as simple as installing energy monitoring meters in your plant can save you lakhs of rupees.

Finally, long term growth is often one of the biggest benefits and the most underrated one. CSR also takes a look at the long term interests of the company and making sure that the companys future is sustainable. Instead of worrying over the financial results in the next fiscal quarters, it is more important to consider the impact of todays business decision on the financial and social results a decade from today.

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