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Video: How to Make a Jack-O-Lantern Halloween Centerpiece

Video Transcript

Now let's put together our dead tree and jack-o-lantern centerpiece. Before you put everything together you might want to take some of your Halloween pieces and put them in your dead tree. You can do that now or you can do it later once you have everything in the bowl but it doesn't really matter because these are pipe cleaners and you can bend them. And if you have a metal one you can use some twenty eight gauge wire and secure these little finger puppets and rings to your dead tree. Then you need to secure your dead tree to a base. This pumpkin worked great for me but you can also use a rock from the back yard. Something that is going to hold it because the pumpkin has little groves in it the roots of the tree fit very nicely on the pumpkin and that is the beginning. Then I just took the little jack-o-lanterns and placed them around inside. And like I said, the number of jack-o-lanterns depends on the size of your glass bowl. If you have enough jack-0-lanterns when you go all the way around it will fill it up just right. This is a centerpiece that can go actually in the middle of your table because it looks to same from any direction. Once I have my little jack-o-lanterns in here I am just going to put some the black leaves in just to add a little more black and mystic to the whole thing. You could string a little bit of spider web from the tree if you wanted to or leave it as is. Let's get some black in there and then as a finishing touch you are going to want to take your candy corn and fill up your little jack-o-lanterns and then spread a few candy corn pieces even around in your bowl because nothing says Halloween quite like candy corn plus it's and interactive centerpiece. When your guests come over and they admire it, they can always reach their fingers down in there and help themselves to a little bit of candy corn. So there we have it, a dead tree and jack-o-lantern Halloween centerpiece.

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