Necessary Ingredients for a Unique Hen Night
One of the best parts about planning your wedding is getting to share it with your friends; one of the best parts of having a female friend who is getting married is planning a unique hen night for her. Unlike the wedding itself, putting together a special evening for a bride-to-be is not at all a hard affair, nor does it require the level of commitment and attention to detail a fairytale knot-tying usually calls for. Instead, with a few simple factors in hand, any group of girls can easily put together an unforgettable night for that special friend about to take the next step. Below are a few of the basic elements that can help with that particular endeavour.
A Group Of Friends
The most important ingredient for a unique hen night is, of course, a group of close friends of the bride who are willing to make her feel like the most important woman in the universe. It is from this group of friends that the very initiative for such a night stems, and it is up to them to ensure that it goes through to fruition without a hitch. Without a few close friends, there is no hen night.
Bear in mind, however, that the operational word here is close; you do not need to invite the bride's entire sixth-form college or everyone on her Facebook friends list. Keep it small and intimate, and things are much less likely to spiral out of control and will feel much more special. Think of hen night recruitment as the bride would bridesmaid recruiting: you want a gaggle of close friends and relatives to be there for the special girl, but you certainly do not need every girl she has ever known to attend.
A Plan
But of course, even the best group of friends in the world cannot work without at least the semblance of a plan. And by €plan' we do not mean a convoluted scheme worthy of McGyver or the A-Team, simply a vague idea about what the theme for your friend's unique hen night will be and how best to carry it out. Are you going abroad? Simply going out for a night on the town? Doing something quirky or offbeat? Know this, and your work will be halfway done. The rest will mostly consist of technicalities necessary for carrying out the plan.
And before you ask, no, €alcohol' is not a plan in and of itself.
A Special Touch
So you have the friends, the location and the plan. Now, all you need to make sure your friend has a unique hen night rather than just a cookie-cutter one is a special touch. It does not need to be anything big or major, just a little personal touch to let your friend know this night is about her and no other girl in the world. As friends, you should be familiar enough with her tastes and quirks to come up with something, but should inspiration fail you, a few discreet enquiries are not beyond reason.
All it takes to create a special night for a bride-to-be are a few carefully combined elements and ingredients.
A Group Of Friends
The most important ingredient for a unique hen night is, of course, a group of close friends of the bride who are willing to make her feel like the most important woman in the universe. It is from this group of friends that the very initiative for such a night stems, and it is up to them to ensure that it goes through to fruition without a hitch. Without a few close friends, there is no hen night.
Bear in mind, however, that the operational word here is close; you do not need to invite the bride's entire sixth-form college or everyone on her Facebook friends list. Keep it small and intimate, and things are much less likely to spiral out of control and will feel much more special. Think of hen night recruitment as the bride would bridesmaid recruiting: you want a gaggle of close friends and relatives to be there for the special girl, but you certainly do not need every girl she has ever known to attend.
A Plan
But of course, even the best group of friends in the world cannot work without at least the semblance of a plan. And by €plan' we do not mean a convoluted scheme worthy of McGyver or the A-Team, simply a vague idea about what the theme for your friend's unique hen night will be and how best to carry it out. Are you going abroad? Simply going out for a night on the town? Doing something quirky or offbeat? Know this, and your work will be halfway done. The rest will mostly consist of technicalities necessary for carrying out the plan.
And before you ask, no, €alcohol' is not a plan in and of itself.
A Special Touch
So you have the friends, the location and the plan. Now, all you need to make sure your friend has a unique hen night rather than just a cookie-cutter one is a special touch. It does not need to be anything big or major, just a little personal touch to let your friend know this night is about her and no other girl in the world. As friends, you should be familiar enough with her tastes and quirks to come up with something, but should inspiration fail you, a few discreet enquiries are not beyond reason.
All it takes to create a special night for a bride-to-be are a few carefully combined elements and ingredients.