Health & Medical Self-Improvement

How to Successfully Achieve Your New Year"s Resolution

Before you run out to buy the latest self-help book to help you achieve your New Year's resolution take a moment to find out why it most likely won't really help.
The fact is that books are highly informational in nature but simply cannot provide long term success.
Let me be clear, I love books.
I am an avid reader and love curling up under the covers with a cup of hot chocolate and a great book.
Books can take your imagination places you never knew existed and provide you will gobs of valuable information.
No matter what you want to achieve, there is a book somewhere that can provide you with all the information you need to succeed.
That would be great if the issue was as simple as having the information.
If knowing what to do was the key to success, nearly everyone in the world would be successful.
Most people know they should not gorge on fast food every day.
They know they'll never get in shape while relaxing on the couch watching TV instead of working out.
They will however spend hundreds of dollars a year on the next best quick fix.
Therein lies the main issue.
Success is no short term goal but a lifelong commitment to making good choices.
It must become something akin to an addiction.
Naturally healthy people don't have to force themselves to eat right of work out.
It's part of who they are as a person.
Once you have the habits that compel you to do those things instinctively it becomes possible to achieve any goal, be it weight loss, wealth building or a happy life.
No book, gadget, pill or seminar will ever help you get rich, lose weight or be happy.
No matter how good their pitch or how fancy their website, it won't work.
An easy way does not and will never exist.
Don't waste another penny trying.
It will always result in failure.
So what is a person to do you ask? Pay the price.
Everything is life costs something.
There is no such thing as something for nothing.
You must develop the habits that lead to success.
These habits must be as ingrained in your mind as brushing your teeth or putting the toilet seat down.
Once these habits are second nature, success is nearly guaranteed.
It takes between 21-28 days to form a new habit.
The problem is you're going to most likely need a host of new habits to really succeed.
What's the point of forming the habit of exercising daily if you still have the habit of overeating because you have the habit of worrying? If you are able to find a balance between habits in line with health, wealth and happiness, you are well on your way to success.
This trinity of essential needs work in unison to ensure that you stay on track.
If any one of these things is given too much or too little power, it will directly affect the other two.
I've found that by training your mind and body simultaneously, works wonders for forming habits quickly.
While it is still not an overnight process, this type of training uses the "zone" that exercise induces to reprogram your thoughts.
When done consistently for the required 21-28 days this type of training can prove to be highly beneficial to the realization of any goal.
I suggest finding a good mind body workout and making it a part of your daily routine! For your benefit, I've collected some of my favorite exercise motivation, life inspiration tips.
None of these promise an easy road to success but they will aid you along your journey.
• Start.
Stop waiting for some ideal, perfect time to begin.
Now is the perfect time.
• Refuse to make excuses.
Failure's best friend is the excuse.
You must get to the point where you never allow any excuse to cause you to lose sight of your goal.
• Train your mind and body at least 5-6 days a week.
Both of these things must be kept in peak condition to give you your best chance to succeed.
• Eating right and exercising go hand in hand.
The better you eat, the better your workouts will be.
The more you workout, the better you'll want to eat! • When you're working out, the "old" you will constantly be finding excuses to get you to quit.
Every minute, every second you push beyond that point leaves the "old' you that much farther in the past.
• You're going to have bad days, let it go.
Forgive yourself right away and get back on track as soon as you possibly can.
The faster you let it go, the faster you will reach your goal.
• Don't deprive yourself of your favorite foods.
You can't eat like a champion bodybuilder every day.
Indulge once in a while without overdoing it and work out a little harder the next day.
• Don't obsess over how much you weigh! Remember this is a lifelong goal not a quick fix.
• Finish.
Right before you reach your goal, lie will find a way to test you to see if you really believe you can do it.
Push past this final test and your treasure awaits!

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