Engagement Photography - What, Why, Where, When and How
It is very common to visit few different photographers' Website to check some of their wedding photography samples and package prices before you select the one that will be your Wedding Photographer.
When you are checking their Websites, you might also find pictures and some minor information about Engagement Photography.
The truth is that a lot of brides still don't know what Engagement Photography is and most of them don't know why to have a special Engagement Photography session done is so important.
Here is everything that you need to know about Engagement Photography, and why this session is a must for who is getting married.
What- Engagement Photography is a special photography session dedicated to couples that are soon getting married.
Why- There are few different reasons for having your Engagement Photography done, but two of the best reasons are; a) Know your photographer better (quality, talent, personality, etc) b) Have a nice picture of you and your loved one displayed at your Wedding Reception Where- You can have your Engagement Picture taken at the photographer's studio, a nice park, or at the beach.
You should select the location that will translate the personality of the couple best.
I personally recommend beautiful open areas with a lot of plants, flowers and etc, or a beautiful beach with clear send, beautiful palm trees and etc.
When- This session have to be done no latter than two or three weeks before your wedding date, so you would have time to select the best picture to be printed and find a nice frame to display the picture at your Wedding Reception.
If your intention is to use this session to know better your photographer or just to try a photographer before you sign any contract.
I would recommend you to schedule this session at least three to six months before your wedding date.
How- Once you selected the location and the date you and your loved one have to decide about what clothes to wear, makeup, hair, props and etc.
Your photographer will be able to help you with some personal suggestions.
There is no reason to you don't have your Engagement Photography done, other than if your Photographer does not offer that on his or her packages.
If this is the case, talk to your photographer about your needs or find another photographer that will work the way that you want.
When you are checking their Websites, you might also find pictures and some minor information about Engagement Photography.
The truth is that a lot of brides still don't know what Engagement Photography is and most of them don't know why to have a special Engagement Photography session done is so important.
Here is everything that you need to know about Engagement Photography, and why this session is a must for who is getting married.
What- Engagement Photography is a special photography session dedicated to couples that are soon getting married.
Why- There are few different reasons for having your Engagement Photography done, but two of the best reasons are; a) Know your photographer better (quality, talent, personality, etc) b) Have a nice picture of you and your loved one displayed at your Wedding Reception Where- You can have your Engagement Picture taken at the photographer's studio, a nice park, or at the beach.
You should select the location that will translate the personality of the couple best.
I personally recommend beautiful open areas with a lot of plants, flowers and etc, or a beautiful beach with clear send, beautiful palm trees and etc.
When- This session have to be done no latter than two or three weeks before your wedding date, so you would have time to select the best picture to be printed and find a nice frame to display the picture at your Wedding Reception.
If your intention is to use this session to know better your photographer or just to try a photographer before you sign any contract.
I would recommend you to schedule this session at least three to six months before your wedding date.
How- Once you selected the location and the date you and your loved one have to decide about what clothes to wear, makeup, hair, props and etc.
Your photographer will be able to help you with some personal suggestions.
There is no reason to you don't have your Engagement Photography done, other than if your Photographer does not offer that on his or her packages.
If this is the case, talk to your photographer about your needs or find another photographer that will work the way that you want.