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How to Boot a Portege M200 Boot From CD

    Booting the Toshiba Portege M200 from a CD

    • 1). Connect a supported external optical drive to the M200, and insert the CD that you would like to boot from. Turn the computer off.

      Note: The Portege M200 only supports booting from a short list of external optical drives, all manufactured by Toshiba. See the first link in the "Resources" section of this article for a list of supported drives.

    • 2). Press the "F12" key on the keyboard and continue holding it while pressing the power button to turn the M200 on. After a moment, the Toshiba logo will appear along with the slogan "In Touch with Tomorrow." Let go of the "F12" key when this screen is displayed. This will bring you to a new screen with a set of icons.

    • 3). Use the keyboard to select the CD icon. This is the second icon from the left. Press "Enter." The M200 will begin booting from the CD.

      If you are unable to make the M200 boot from a CD and you are sure that you have a supported external optical drive, the BIOS of your computer may need to be updated, as the earliest versions of the M200 BIOS do not support booting from an external optical drive. See Section 2.

    Updating the Toshiba Portege M200 BIOS

    • 1). Browse to the Toshiba BIOS update download site using the second link in "Resources." Click the "Download Now" button and save the file to the location of your choice.

    • 2). Launch the file. Click "OK," then click "Unzip."

    • 3). Click the radio button labeled "Install from Windows," then click "OK." After the process is complete, your Portege M200 will be able to boot from a supported external optical drive.

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