Technology Microsoft Software & solutions

How to Turn on the HDMI Port on an HP Computer

    • 1). Click "Start," then click "Control Panel" and "Hardware and Sound." Select "Sound." The Sound dialog box will open. Click the "Playback" tab.

    • 2). Right-click the "HDMI" device option under the heading "Select a playback device below to modify its settings:" and click "Enable."

    • 3). Right-click the "HDMI" device option again and select "Set as Default Device." A green check mark will appear next to the HDMI option.

    • 4). Click "Properties." Click the "Supported Formats" tab.

    • 5). Select the formats the HDMI television or surround system can decode; a list will appear under the heading "Which of the following formats is your Digital Receiver able to decode."

    • 6). Select the "48.0 Khz" sample rate under the heading "Which of the following sample rates are supported by your Digital Receiver."

    • 7). Click "Apply" and "OK."

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