Technology Microsoft Software & solutions

How to Use SQLite3 on an iPhone App

    • 1). Create a new iPhone project in Xcode or open an existing project.

    • 2). In the "Groups & Files" pane on the left side of the Xcode project window, expand the "Targets" entry.

    • 3). Command-click (or right click) the item under "Targets" that shares the name of your project and choose "Get Info" from the menu.

    • 4). Click the "General" tab to activate it if it is not already activated.

    • 5). Click the "+" button under the "Linked Libraries" table. A pop-up window containing a list of available libraries should appear.

    • 6). Scroll down until you see a library named "libsqlite3.dylib." Click on it and then click the "Add" button. You can now close the Target Info window as well.

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