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Keep the Young Men Home... Send the Old Guys!

New Military Policy to be enacted with the approval of the new presidential administration. What is it? Beginning in 2009 the US Military will make an all out appeal to the OLD GUYS instead of the YOUNG GUYS... and git-r-done!

The armed services are looking at things totally wrong instead of sending the young, often inexperienced 18 year old's off to fight, maybe the services should take the old guys. You know the ones. You should not be able to join any service until you are at least 35.

It is a well known fact that 18 year old's think about girls every 10 seconds. While old men only think about women a couple of times a day, leaving more that 28,000 additional seconds per day to concentrate on the enemy...

The youngsters have not lived long enough to get cranky and a cranky soldier is really a dangerous one. Nagging arthritis and continual "My back hurts! I can't sleep on this hard ground. I'm tired and hungry." make the old giesers impatient and taking out the enemy who deserves it will make them feel better and possibly shut them up for awhile.

After all, 18 year old's don't even like to get up before 10 am. Our old guys always are up early to make a trip to the bathroom. If our old guys get captured they would not be able to spill the beans because they'd forget where they put them. In fact, name rank and serial number would be a real brainteaser.

Old guys would find boot camp a breeze because they are already used to being screamed and yelled at plus they have become accustomed to soft, mushy food.

There would be no additional expense for training on the weapons course because the old guys have developed an appreciation for guns... for years they have been using an excuse like that to just get out of the house... away from all that screaming and yelling.

The services could even lighten up on that 20 foot wall with a rope hanging over the side. How many many 20 foot walls have you seen in any combat photos with a rope?

As for running to get in shape - what for? It has been shown to be very rare that anyone outruns a bullet no matter how fast they are.

Come on think about it - an 18 year old has the whole world ahead of him. He is still learning to shave, how to talk to a girls, and he hasn't figured out that a baseball cap has a brim to shade his eyes, not the back of his head. Really great reasons to make our young men stay home and learn more about life before sending them to war.

Let the old guys track down those dirty rotten coward terrorist creeps. The vision of old guys, really made with attitude and guns who have their best behind them and don't care.

If nothing else, then consider putting the old guys on the border patrol. It would be secured by daybreak!

Git-R-Done Today!

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