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To Congress Re: Cia Abuse Of Rights And Torture

Dear Distinguished Member of Congress,

The CIA is a Federal agency which operates above the law on domestic soil and engages in extreme, widely unknown terror campaigns against American citizens utilizing a vast array of military caliber psychological warfare tactics, borderline torture and in some cases even murder. Without the proper civilian oversight and transparency, rogue elements within this very powerful and far reaching agency will continue to operate with a total disregard for both domestic and international laws. Our Constitutional, civil and basic human rights are jeopardized whenever a few holding such vast power are overseen and scrutinized solely by like-minded individuals. The terror they have managed to unleash against an untold number of American citizens on domestic soil, presently labeled as 'Targeted Individuals', cannot continue to be ignored. Or simply written off as overactive imaginations and/or mental illness.

A common tactic of the CIA is to make a victim of their abuses appear paranoid, delusional or mentally unstable in order to discredit the victim when complaints arise about the horrific circumstances the victim is forced to endure as part of their daily existence. The historian Lord Acton is quoted as saying that 'power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely'. As a "targeted individual" experiencing this horrific and shameful abuse of power on a daily basis for over 4 long, agonizing years I implore you to take the necessary measures to reign in this rogue agency, their outright criminal tactics and cavalier operatives who believe the laws of our country are beneath them.

Torture in America cannot continue to be ignored. State-sponsored terrorism against American civilians being deployed by an arm of our military under the guise of "national security" cannot be tolerated in a free & just society. To simply ignore this ongoing abuse is the equivalent of condoning the action. This is your chance to use the legislative power which has been bestowed upon you by the American people to make permanent and wide sweeping changes to an agency that is rapidly spiraling out of control, notorious worldwide for their abuses and become so arrogant as to believe themselves above the law. Our country is too great to allow a segment of our government to conduct themselves in this manner. If vast changes are not made now, then when will the next opportunity arise?

Personally, I have had the unfortunate occasion over the last 4+ years to experience a vast array of psychological warfare tactics too numerous to list, including but not limited to, intimidation, unimaginable invasion of privacy and a constant "negative environment" campaign which has been given the name of 'Organized Stalking' by its victims. All presumably done under the premise that no one can survive in a constantly negative environment. I have also been subjected daily to unrelenting physical torture, poisoning and attempted murder through various forms of invisible, silent, military-grade 'directed energy weapons' - from my symptoms I believe I have been targeted primarily by directed overexposure to electromagnetic radiation. These ongoing attacks occurring while my wife and 3 very young, developing children are present, primarily at our home where I work full time.

I am a licensed real estate broker, 36 years old, a husband and father of 3 young children. My wife is a graduate of UC Berkeley where she received her undergraduate degree in Psychology. My wife and I have been together for 18 years, since we were both teenagers.

This harassment campaign, in its current frenzy, began over 4 years ago while living in Concord, California and working at Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage in Orinda, California. While heavily involved in a mentor relationship/business partnership with an older gentleman, Mr. WILLIAM K OTTMANN {Richmond, CA} he made several comments which led me to believe our business relationship may have been more than just coincidence. Statements such as nobody can survive in a constantly negative environment stood out as peculiar coming from a real estate agent. During our close relationship I believe I was steered to purchase a home in what turned out to be a very heavily concentrated Mexican immigrant neighborhood. At this time I became the new neighbor of Mr. LEONARD WILLIAMS {1132 Victory Lane, Concord, CA 94520}. I would not be surprised if one of these gentlemen, likely both, have very close ties to our law enforcement community and possibly the CIA.

Approximately one year after moving into this home I began hearing extended episodes of jet engine noise above our home (where none was present previously) and became aware of what appeared to be a very overt stalking and harassment campaign which quickly transformed into the living nightmare described above. I have been offered no assistance from law enforcement despite numerous complaints reported to both local and Federal authorities.

Rather than go into further detail of the ongoing abuse I have been subjected to for over 4 years, which has persisted through 2 relocations, first to another County and most recently to another State, you can find a full account of the terrorism tactics being deployed against me, and countless other Americans, online at

Please take whatever measures deemed necessary to prevent the injustices described in this letter from happening to another US citizen.

Respectfully Submitted,

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