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Marketing Delusion No. 11 - Marketing Does Not Take Patience, I Can Expect Overnight Results

A striking characteristic of marketing is that it is typically accompanied by the unrealistic expectation that we should get immediate results from every marketing activity.
No matter what the marketing activity is - networking, publishing articles, public speaking - we think that we should immediately get new clients from everything we do.
That would be great, if only it were true, but it is not the way that marketing works.
You need to think of taking action on your marketing plan as both mandatory and something you do regularly.
If you are selling your services, you must develop patience and understand that marketing is a long-term strategy.
Marketing is not optional.
Here are the reasons why you must develop patience and stop expecting overnight results.
Marketing success does not happen overnight.
You might have isolated experiences where a single marketing activity does reap new client activity, but you're better off if you realize that that is not always going to happen.
Most of the time, marketing success comes from targeting a market, knowing how to access that market, and making sure that you get your business "in front of" that market consistently over time.
Your market needs to have the time to get to know you, trust you, and understand how your business works.
That's unlikely to happen on initial exposure.
When you're impatient, your prospects will interpret that as desperate.
It's impossible to mask impatience.
The prospect will sense that "something" is wrong and not know what.
They can feel your tension and anxiety, and they react to it subconsciously.
They become more leary and cautious.
Your impatience has the effect of causing the opposite reaction you want from your marketing.
It scares your prospects off.
Rather than being drawn to your business by your marketing, they will need more convincing than normal.
Without consistent commitment to marketing, the best you can hope for is inconsistent results.
You can't do random, untargeted "marketing" activities, and expect to get a steady stream of new clients and increased revenue.
It's not logical.
Regular marketing brings predictable results.
All the impatience in the world will not change that.
When you take on a new marketing effort, commit to consistent action over time.
Decide that you will stick to your marketing activities for X number of months before you seriously assess its effectiveness.
It takes time to communicate all the details of your business and the services you deliver.
You can't expect prospects to buy what they do not know about.
On the first exposure, it's unlikely that they will understand what your business does.
Without full information, prospects will not buy.
If they should buy quickly, without being fully informed, it is likely to be one of those sales that gets undone just as quickly.
You're better off thinking of marketing as an educational process where you teach your target market about your services, and the ways they could benefit from working with you.
Expect marketing results to take time, and you'll find that impatience no longer drives your marketing.
Expecting instant purchases from your target market sets you up for constant frustration.
Do you make instant purchases, based on little or no information? Probably not - so why would you expect your prospects to do that? Buying services is more of a commitment than buying a product, and the sales cycle is longer.
No one wants to feel rushed into a buying decision.
Pushing your prospect to buy is guaranteed to cause them to stop or stall making a choice.
You'll simply end up with a series of failed sales efforts and not understand that your "hard sell" is the real problem.
Marketing and selling takes patience.
There's no way to rush the process.
Develop marketing patience now, and you'll reap the benefits over the long run.

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