Technology Computer & Networking security

What is the Definition of Computer Worms?


    • Computer worms are designed to replicate and transmit themselves on their own, which can allow them to spread very quickly.


    • According to Microsoft, worms can send themselves in such large volumes that they can clog networks can cause long delays in downloading and viewing web pages on the Internet.


    • Running an updated antivirus program and updated operating system and firewall software while using the Internet can help prevent worms.


    • Antivirus scanners and malware scanners may be able to remove worms; when new high threat worms are discovered, special programs and tools designed to remove specific worms are sometimes released by antivirus software companies.


    • If you suspect you are infected with a worm, disconnecting your computer from the Internet and troubleshooting the problem on a different computer's Internet connection can help keep your computer from spreading the worm to others.

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