Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

Homemade Insect Spray for Lawns

    • 1). Place the cayenne peppers, a large onion cut in chunks, and the entire garlic bulb (no need to peel, but separate the segments) in a blender.

    • 2). Add just enough water to the blender to help the blades cut through the ingredients. Your goal is to grind the ingredients, not to make a smoothie-like solution with them.

    • 3). Turn the blender on. Turn it off when the ingredients look thoroughly ground.

    • 4). Pour 1 gallon of water into the blender cup and let the spice mixture steep for 24 hours.

    • 5). Strain the mixture and discard the solids.

    • 6). Transfer the liquid to a spray bottle, and apply it to insects in your lawn as needed.

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