Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How to Grow an Elm Tree from Seed

    • 1). Choose a planting site that can accommodate a 70-foot tree, and plant elms when the average nightly temperatures are at least in the mid-60s Fahrenheit. Planting in sites that receive plenty of sun may increase germination speed.

    • 2). Plant elm seeds in well-drained, loamy soil at a depth equal to the seed's diameter. Elm germination is somewhat unpredictable. Most seeds germinate within 12 days, but it may take up to 60 days for some elm seeds to germinate so don't give up too quickly if your seed doesn't germinate when expected.

    • 3). Water seedlings well for the first year. The soil should remain damp at all times but should never be soaking wet or soggy.

    • 4). Pull weeds from around the young elm so the tree roots do not have to compete for nutrients and water. Keeping the area well-weeded is the only thing a healthy elm should need after the first year. Often all that is required of the gardener, at this point, is patience.

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