Instructions for How to Tie a Large Ribbon Bow
- 1). Cut a 12-inch length of craft wire using wire cutters. Set the wire aside.
- 2). Pinch the ribbon between the thumb and forefinger on your left hand with the right side of the ribbon facing up. Allow the first 12 inches of the ribbon to hang below your pinched fingers with the rest of the ribbon length extending above them.
- 3). Twist the ribbon above the pinch, ending with the back of the ribbon facing up.
- 4). Loop the ribbon toward the pinch, forming a 4-inch loop. The ribbon is now right side up. Slip the ribbon under the pinch. The length of the ribbon is now below the pinch.
- 5). Twist the ribbon below the pinch, ending with the back of the ribbon facing up.
- 6). Loop the ribbon under the pinch, forming a 4-inch loop. The ribbon is now right side up. Slip the ribbon under the pinch. The length of the ribbon is now above the pinch.
- 7). Repeat loops above and below the pinch, stacking the loops on top of each other, until there are five loops above and below the pinch.
- 8). Twist the ribbon with the back facing up. Loosely wrap a loop around your thumb. Twist the ribbon with the front facing up.
- 9). Insert the craft wire under your thumb and through the thumb loop. Bend the ends of the wire to the back of the bow and twist tightly. Cut the end of the ribbon even with the beginning 12-inch tail. Continue to pinch the bow together.
- 10
Separate the loops. Place your fingers in the top loop of the bow above the pinch and pull it forward and to the left. Place your fingers in the next loop. Pull it forward and to the left, positioning to the right of the first loop. Repeat with the remaining loops above the pinch. Place your fingers in the top loop below the pinch and pull it forward and to the right. Separate the remaining loops in the same way, positioning them to the left of the first loop.