Technology computers-hardware

How to Set Up a Dual Boot Config

    • 1). Insert the Windows installation CD and boot the computer into Windows setup. Accept any prerequisite licensing agreements and proceed to the installation wizard.

    • 2). Create a new partition during Windows setup using all of the available unallocated space. Continue with and complete the Windows installation. Shut down the computer when complete.

    • 3). Insert the alternative operating system CD. Boot the computer from the CD into the alternative operating system installation program.

    • 4). Choose to "resize" the disk partition when prompted by the setup program. Specify how much of the hard disk partition to use as a percentage. The Linux setup program will take available space from the Windows partition to create a new Linux partition.

    • 5). Click "Forward" to commit the partition changes and continue to Linux installation. Once complete and the system reboots, you will be able to choose either Windows or Linux at system startup.

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