Technology Microsoft Software & solutions

How to Do Disc Cleanup

    • 1). Click the Windows "Start" button.

    • 2). Type "Disk Cleanup" in the Search box and press the "Enter" key. This will load a Disk Cleanup: Drive Selection window on your screen.

    • 3). Click in the Drives drop-down menu to select the drive you want to clean and click the "OK" button. This will load a "Calculating..." dialog. Allow several moments for this process to complete. Afterwards, you will be taken to the main Disk Cleanup window.

    • 4). Click in the check boxes next to any items you want to remove in the "Files to Delete" section. If you are unsure of what options to select, Microsoft will automatically select a set of recommended options.

    • 5). Click the "OK" button at the bottom. This will load a confirmation dialog. Click the "Delete Files" button to confirm. The utility will automatically close once it has completed.

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