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Bread Making Tips - Dough Temperatures and Mixing the Dough

Dough Temperatures In a bakery, maintaining the correct temperatures for preferments-generally cool-and proof boxes for dough rising are critical for consistency of flavor and an efficient daily baking routine.
The ideal dough temperature is around 75 degrees, and to keep it at this temperature requires an ambient temperature of the same.
However, our own house is generally cooler in the winter and warmer in the summer.
In the winter I rest the dough on top of the refrigerator where there is more heat.
And I always cover with a large trash bag to prevent air from blowing on the dough and drying out the surface.
Unless the house or kitchen is extremely cold or drafty, I wouldn't worry about temperature too much.
Colder dough requires more patience.
Mixing the Dough For many home bakers kneading the dough and bread baking have become synonymous.
There is something fun, sensual, physical and complete about folding dough on a board over and over again, until the arms give out, or until some ideal texture-I was told like the lobe of an ear-is achieved.
Professional bakers, for the most part, attempt to maximize the amount of water in the bread, because more moisture means better aromas and longer shelf life.
When I bake at home, mixing and kneading are one and the same.
I use a large bowl and a very heavy duty spatula or dough scraper to fold the dough onto itself.
This is very wet or tacky dough that defies any hand mixing.
I aim for 100 strokes, give or take a few.
I rely on the organic acids that form during the fermentation to finish the gluten development and to achieve the structure of the bread.
I only touch the dough with my hands to stretch and fold it, at least until I shape it or place it on the baking sheet.
What I have sacrificed in the physical joy of baking, I have gained with much better bread results.

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