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Female Sexuality - Here"s The Biggest Mistake 85% Of Men Make In Bed That Causes Women To Cheat

The truth about female sexuality is that: - When a woman's man is not sexually satisfying her in the bedroom, she will very often CHEAT to get better sex Wow.
Many men don't ever realize that they are being cheated on -- but if they do find out...
it's got to hurt.
With all that said, the truth is -- women who are happy don't tend to cheat.
But women who are not happy in some way in their relationship, will cheat.
And the main reason why over half the adult female population has 'played away' behind their men's backs is because they were not SEXUALLY SATISFIED.
The fact is -- most men are not very good in bed and they make one mistake after another.
Most guys don't give their women foreplay (or they really rush it).
Most guys aren't creative in the bedroom.
Most guys fail to talk dirty.
Most guys are too lazy (or scared) to take control.
Most guys don't give their women the sort of really NAUGHTY love-making sessions and downright filthy sex they truly desire.
"YEAH", really -- women want that sort of bedroom fun (but most guys aren't providing it).
I've just shared with you a few of the major mistakes the average guy makes in the bedroom.
However, there's one mistake that is worse than all the rest.
This MASSIVE error is the one that makes women 'play away'.
It makes them CHEAT.
Right now, I'm going to share that mistake with you...
The massive error many guys make that cause their women to 'play away' behind their backs is failing to give their women VAGINAL ORGASMS.
Right now, you are probably thinking: "What exactly is a vaginal orgasm?" Here's your answer...
A vaginal orgasm requires no clitoral stimulation.
Instead, it happens when you are stimulating your woman's vagina with your fingers, a sex toy or your 'little chap'.
70% of women have never had a vaginal orgasm and this explains much of their sexual frustration and dissatisfaction with their men in the bedroom.
When a woman receives vaginal orgasms (particularly during intercourse), the following things tend to happen: - Her desire for sex rapidly rises - She wants to be naughtier in the bedroom and give her man absolutely everything he wants - She tells her girlfriends all about how good her man is in the bedroom - She is totally loyal to her man and would never 'play away' behind his back Would you like to have your woman behave like that? If so, you must give her vaginal orgasms.

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