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How to Attract Girls - Don"t Be the Lonely Creepy Guy at the Party

Are you always the guy who goes to party alone, or the guy who initially goes with a bunch of buddies but ends up alone and dateless? Ya it blows and I know exactly how you feel, but you don't have to put up with that.
You don't have to be the guy who stare at all the guys who are dancing and hooking up with hot girls, while you holding a drink in your hand looking creepy or just being the wall flower.
I know, I know..
You want to tell me that you can't help it, because you're not good looking or you don't drive a nice car.
Well that's a lie and you know it, because you know as well as I do girls aren't just attracted to those things.
It's just your excuse for not doing anything.
In fact all you need to do is to learn and practice the traits that women are attracted to, and look for in a men.
Here are some of them...
Having Self Respect - This is extremely IMPORTANT, most men are push over when they deal with beautiful women, they become the puppy dog and loss all self respect.
So men up, and respect yourself and your own values.
Not Flirting or Teasing - Most men are boring seriously, every time I see a men who approach a girl they just do the usual interview style approach.
They just ask questions after questions, and the girl gets bored.
Instead learn to flirt, and tease the girl, learn to use humor in ways of interacting with the girl.
Last One I Have a Sense of Style - Do you go to an interview in shorts and flip-flops? NO? Then why do most men go meet girls with their suits on as if they just got out of a board room meeting.
Learn what is in fashion for men, and have a sense of style.

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