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The Irresistible Frame Of Dominance For Effortless Seduction

In virtually every species, the man chases the woman.
Meaning the female gives off some kind of scent, or behavior, that indicates she's ready to rock.
All the men pick up on it, and chase her.
The reason for this, according to evolutionary biologists, is by forcing the males to "compete" for her booty she's assuring her kids will have the best genes from the particular pool of males fighting for her.
In some animals, this is painfully obvious.
The female starts giving off the signals, and then the dominant males have a literally throw-down, and the guy who kills, or nearly kills, all the other guys gets to take her home to his place.
(Or behind the bushes or whatever.
) In most of the animal kingdom, this is the general way it works.
Sure, there are exceptions, but they are all centered around the women choosing the men, based on signals that he's got the best DNA.
And these signals are usually based on how well he can dominate the other men around.
Lion men chase lion women, bear guys chase bear girls, and until recently, human males would chase down human females.
In fact, in Sparta, girls would submit to a guy unless he could physically restrain her.
Clearly, DO NOT do this at home.
In modern times, things have changed.
Or have they? Sure, women will go for a guy that's not so "aggressive.
" Part of being a modern human in modern society is repressing our animalistic instincts.
We don't gorge ourselves to death when we're hungry (at least not all the time) we don't beat the crap out of people we don't agree with, and we don't chase down women like we used to.
But this doesn't mean there's not a time and a place for "domination.
" Now, I don't mean physical domination, but make no mistake, women LOVE to be dominated.
Meaning they LOVE it when a man takes charge, and has a frame that is literally indestructible.
This DOESN'T mean you need to be a jerk, but you DO need to take the lead.
You can do this from the get go.
From the moment your eyes meet, if you assume a dominant frame, you'll have a LOT more success.
Meaning, don't walk up to her as if she's the goddess of the universe giving out happiness.
Don't walk up to her "hoping" to "get lucky.
" Walk up to her like you own the place.
You see her, you like her, and you want to learn more about her.
After all, if she qualifies, you may even take her home, if she plays her cards right.
Be dominant, be bold, and be successful.

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