Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How to Keep From Stressing Out While You Date

Dating can be a precarious undertaking.
It involves meeting new people, connecting with them on an intimate level, finding ways to pursue the relationship, and looking toward the future with this possible mate.
It takes confidence and courage to step out there and take a chance in the dating world.
Some people are so nervous and anxious about dating that they avoid the entire activity, and spend many nights alone.
They owe it to themselves to venture out of their comfort zone, and start meeting potential dating partners.
With all of those statements about how important dating is, this may seem strange, but it is important to poise yourself with the idea that dating does not have to be the all important activity that we make it out to be.
If you are more relaxed, focusing on enjoyment and a relaxed connection with another person, you will be more successful and peaceful.
Here are some ideas for leaving the stressed out feelings at home the next time you find yourself on a date.
Find a way to relax.
Before the date, engage in an activity that relaxes you.
Listen to your favorite music; in fact consider cranking up a high energy good vibe song to put you in a great mood.
Read a book, watch your favorite TV program, meditate, work out, whatever can take your mind off of the date until it's time to get ready.
In addition to these relaxing activities, it is important to put your date into perspective.
This is not the most important evening of your life.
It is simply an opportunity to get to know someone, see if you have fun together, and enjoy yourself.
Take the pressure off yourself.
Let your confidence show.
A calm, confident person is an attractive person.
As you prepare for your date, remind yourself of all your wonderful qualities.
Pump yourself up with feelings of real appreciation for all that you are able to bring to a relationship.
Stop short of becoming arrogant.
This over confidence is a real turn off.
If your date is showing an arrogant side, don't let this derail your own feelings of self-worth.
When someone acts arrogantly, they are really over compensating for their own feelings of self consciousness.
If they are able to relax and let go of the arrogant behavior, they may be an OK partner to date again.
If they keep up the arrogant side, you will probably not consider asking that person out again.
Take the time to prepare and plan.
It is a really good idea to make sure you have everything ready far in advance of your date.
You do not want to run late, nor do you want to be running around trying to get ready because you forgot to pick out your clothes in advance.
Here are some things to prepare: - Determine how long it will take you to get ready.
- Determine how long it will take you to arrive at your destination - Choose your clothes.
- Make sure everything is clean, pressed and in good shape.
- Make sure you have the directions correct for the place you are meeting your date.
- If your date is picking you up at your house, tidy up the living room and entry way to make a good impression.
Under all circumstances, enjoy yourself.
If the date is not going as well as you'd hoped, don't worry about it.
Consider it a practice run for the next date you are on.
Try a new joke to see if it goes over.
Throw yourself into the activity -- enjoy the bowling or immerse yourself into the movie.
Don't worry about the date.
There will always be another one, and you will find your life partner, just keep dating and enjoying life.

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