Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Seducing Women - How to Make Conversation With Women - Part 1

It's time now to get into some specific ideas and scenarios for you all to use to seduce women.
Now, before I get into this, it is absolutely vital that everybody understand some things.
Firstly, this stuff will not work to the extent you want it to if you have not sorted out your inner game.
If you are looking for a quick fix, this stuff may help, but it is not to be used as a substitute for any hard work which is necessary.
Secondly, what you say to women is not as important as how you say it.
There will be examples in this article that will make you think "No way can that work".
It all depends on the delivery of these lines that attains the desired results.
However, there will also be examples in here that will make sense on paper, but you may go out, try them on five women and get shot down each time.
There is a reason for this...
Dating and approaching women is not an exact science! There are other factors outside your control that can affect an outcome, so it's best not to be negative should you not get any results at first.
If you believe a line or certain approach isn't going to work, do not give up.
Refine your methods, experiment with your approach in different ways and monitor the differing results when you do certain things differently.
Now, there are really two areas of making conversation with women which overlap greatly, conversations when approaching and conversations when dating.
While both are important, it is conversations when approaching that I'm going to talk about in this article.
When approaching a woman, she will make her mind up about you within about three to six seconds, most likely before you have even opened your mouth.
It's important to remember that if you get the opportunity to talk to her, she has already decided that you look interesting enough to talk to.
Most guys will enter with the mindset that they have to impress the girl so she will keep talking to you.
They don't understand that a girl will immediately disqualify you if she doesn't like your style, body language, posture, social approval, etc.
If she is talking to you, the pressure is off.
Just have fun.
As soon as you open your mouth, the easiest way to experience some success is to hook the woman in.
Now, I know what some of you may be thinking...
How do I hook her in? Well, the easiest way is to tell her an intriguing story, one she will want to keep discussing with you in order to find out the outcome.
"Hey, did you hear about what happened outside the club tonight?" Immediately, she will wonder why she didn't hear about this story.
You are immediately higher in status than her, because you are privy to information that she does not have.
She will want this information in order to increase her status.
From there, tell a dramatic story, a story where the outcome will interest her.
Hell, it is probably best to be over-dramatic.
"Well, this chick is outside with her friends, she'd just broken up with her boyfriend 4 days ago.
Then her ex shows up.
But guess what? He's with another chick! So this girl goes absolutely crazy, says he has been cheating on her and jumps at him and attacks him.
She's got him by the throat on the floor and about 4 of her friends have to grab hold of her and take her away.
Do you think 4 days is too soon to show up with another girl?" In this situation, you have told a compelling story and you have asked for the girls opinion on it.
This can then lead to other questions such as "Do you think he was cheating on her?" and "Do you think she was right to go mad?" From here, you have hooked the girl and got her opinions.
You can and should also involve her friends in this conversation for best results.

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