Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

Agave Varieties

    • Agave plants grow in arid North America. Their leaves form rosettes and come in a variety of colors and can be narrow, broad or short. Stalks normally grow in the center of the rosette, giving the flowers for these plants a place to bloom. Several agave species exist, each having their own distinguishable characteristics.

    Agave Pelona

    • This rosette-shaped plant has smooth leaves that are dark blue-green or yellow-green in color. Red spine tips are on every leaf, and the flowers on the plant are a reddish-purple. These flowers normally bloom in the spring.

    Agave Schottii

    • The Agave Schottii has straight leaves that are a foot long.Its narrow leaves are sharp-tipped and merge with one another. Long, tube-shaped yellow flowers bloom on this plant.

    Agave Zebra

    • This plant stands three to four feet and is light gray in color with silver bands. The leaves are stiff in nature and form a "V" at the cross section. Gray flowers bloom on its central, narrow stem.

    Agave Deserti

    • The Agave Deserti is one of the smallest of its species, measuring only 1 1/4 feet in diameter. Its straight leaves have small teeth and are gray to bluish-gray in color. Yellow flowers bloom on its stalk, attracting hummingbirds.

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