Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

How to Get a Husband to Admit He's Cheating

    • 1). Question your suspicions before you take any action. As mentioned by Relationship Information Online, your own reasons for suspicion play the biggest part in deciding whether your other half is cheating. Ask yourself if you heard that he's cheating from third-party sources and question whether or not you have actually seen any concrete evidence. Ensure that you don't go chasing information out of curiosity alone, because if your husband finds out you have been snooping behind his back, your marriage could be all but over. Take the time to carefully consider what you know before you leap into any rash or risky decisions.

    • 2). Look for any obvious signs to confirm your suspicions. Again, without proper evidence to back up your concerns, you are only inviting criticism and distrust, and your partner could request a divorce or separation himself. Look out for the telltale signs of a cheating spouse, which should be new and out of the ordinary. For example, check if his phone now has a password protection on it -- if not, see if he has been making any regular calls to unrecognized numbers. Also see if he constantly deletes the Internet history on a computer, check his paper trail for any suspicious receipts or letters and see if the furniture has been used or moved when you're away.

    • 3). Force a confession by catching your husband out. Although risky -- if it backfires you may well end up destroying the relationship -- it is a good idea when you are positively sure there is something amiss. Set a trap by placing hidden surveillance and recording devices when you are out of town. Voice-activated Dictaphones and hidden cameras will yield the most incriminating results. Hiring a private investigator or using a GPS tracking device are also effective ways of catching someone out.

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      Remain calm when confronting and your points will be clear and understood.Jupiterimages/ Images

      Ask your husband directly if he is cheating on you and present him with any evidence you've found. Without any evidence you are likely to get denial, but physical pieces of evidence can actually incriminate your husband directly and make him confess. The U.S. Department of Justice Bureau states that 28 percent of violent attacks against women are carried out by a husband or boyfriend, so try to talk with a calm and collected tone. Although it is totally acceptable to get angry in this situation, you must ensure your personal safety and not allow him to take advantage of the situation by getting violent or physical. Attempt, more than anything, to get your points across clearly and back up each one with evidence.

    • 5). Decide where to go from here as husband and wife. Whether the accused husband admits it or not, you are going to need to plan on how you will react to events. Move in with relatives and friends if you feel like you need space to think. Couples will commonly decide to either make things work through counseling or break off the marriage and file for divorce. Remember to consider each option carefully because people can make mistakes in these situations.

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