Family & Relationships Conflict

How You Can Win Back Your Ex

Many people believe that fixing their ex will win them back.
However, this isn't the truth and does no good.
The person you should be fixing is yourself and even that is not completely what you should be concerned about.
Why? Relationships that have ended in breakups or divorces have faults that lie on both sides.
However, the person that was dumped is usually the ones that will try to fix the huge problems in order to win back their ex.
If you have been dumped, you are the person who will be fixing those problems.
You probably look at that and say, "Well, that's not fair.
" You're absolutely right.
If you want to win back your ex, you have to stop worrying with your ex's issues and worry about your own.
What can you do differently or do better at? If you are the one desiring to make the relationship work, then you are the one that's going to have to work at the problems.
Does this mean you are completely at fault for the relationship dissolving? Not at all.
It takes two people to make a relationship work and it takes two people to make it fail.
Never believe you are the only one that has to do all the changing.
Your ex, if he or she is willing to work it out, will have to make some concessions and changes too.
Believe it or not, when your ex sees you trying to make those changes, they'll want to make changes to their lives as well.
You are the only person that can fix all the problems that you face.
When you try to change your ex, you'll only alienating them further away from you.
Be sure you focus on yourself and perhaps, in due time, your ex will be back.

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