Don"t Children at Least Deserve Clean Water to Drink?
"More than 2.
6 billion people - forty per cent of the world's population - lack basic sanitation facilities, and over one billion people still use unsafe drinking water sources.
As a result, thousands of children die every day from diarrhea and other water-, sanitation- and hygiene-related diseases and many more suffer and are weakened by illness.
" - UNICEF Okay, it's a problem, along with all the other problems in the world.
Why should I do anything about it? Well, we could weave a lot of philosophical arguments about how better children can make the world a better place, how it would be good for the planet if everyone was healthier, or..
You know what? Let's just worry about it because they are kids! No matter what their race, religion, nation of origin...
and so on...
they are JUST KIDS! If we have it in our power to change the statistics by simply helping some child somewhere drink water ALMOST as good as what our pets get...
LET'S DO IT! SO, WHAT CAN BE DONE? Obviously, helping to support any of the various organizations involved in helping children can be of value.
For example, you could donate to organizations such as UNICEF, Save The Children, or Christian Children's Fund.
WHAT ABOUT THE WATER? You might be surprised at what a difference simply having safer water can make in the life of a child.
According to some figures, 1.
5 million children die every year from diseases related to lack of safe water.
Millions more will live but with adverse effects in their development and health from the same problem...
no safe water.
Just to put it in a slightly different perspective, here's some results of this lack of safe water.
* It contributes to about 88% of deaths from diarrheal disease, which is...
* More than 1.
5 million of the 1.
9 million children under the age of five years old who die from diarrhea yearly, which is...
* Eighteen percent of ALL deaths of children under five years of age, which is...
* More than 4,000 children a day! WHAT CAN BE DONE ABOUT THE WATER? Well, in addition to the resources mentioned above, there are programs in place at this time to try to address THAT specific issue.
Many of these programs are run by corporations such as Proctor & Gamble and links can be found at their website.
One program, Children's Safe Drinking Water, is helping provide a process whereby contaminated water can be changed into water safe enough to drink.
Their simple process, currently in 23 different countries, has been shown to decrease mortality rates due to unsafe water by as much as 50%.
Look, I like to call myself a writer, but these are just figures and facts gleaned from a half-dozen websites and a few magazine articles.
To me, they tell a more persuasive tale than the finest novel, short story, or informational article.
They're just kids, dammit!
6 billion people - forty per cent of the world's population - lack basic sanitation facilities, and over one billion people still use unsafe drinking water sources.
As a result, thousands of children die every day from diarrhea and other water-, sanitation- and hygiene-related diseases and many more suffer and are weakened by illness.
" - UNICEF Okay, it's a problem, along with all the other problems in the world.
Why should I do anything about it? Well, we could weave a lot of philosophical arguments about how better children can make the world a better place, how it would be good for the planet if everyone was healthier, or..
You know what? Let's just worry about it because they are kids! No matter what their race, religion, nation of origin...
and so on...
they are JUST KIDS! If we have it in our power to change the statistics by simply helping some child somewhere drink water ALMOST as good as what our pets get...
LET'S DO IT! SO, WHAT CAN BE DONE? Obviously, helping to support any of the various organizations involved in helping children can be of value.
For example, you could donate to organizations such as UNICEF, Save The Children, or Christian Children's Fund.
WHAT ABOUT THE WATER? You might be surprised at what a difference simply having safer water can make in the life of a child.
According to some figures, 1.
5 million children die every year from diseases related to lack of safe water.
Millions more will live but with adverse effects in their development and health from the same problem...
no safe water.
Just to put it in a slightly different perspective, here's some results of this lack of safe water.
* It contributes to about 88% of deaths from diarrheal disease, which is...
* More than 1.
5 million of the 1.
9 million children under the age of five years old who die from diarrhea yearly, which is...
* Eighteen percent of ALL deaths of children under five years of age, which is...
* More than 4,000 children a day! WHAT CAN BE DONE ABOUT THE WATER? Well, in addition to the resources mentioned above, there are programs in place at this time to try to address THAT specific issue.
Many of these programs are run by corporations such as Proctor & Gamble and links can be found at their website.
One program, Children's Safe Drinking Water, is helping provide a process whereby contaminated water can be changed into water safe enough to drink.
Their simple process, currently in 23 different countries, has been shown to decrease mortality rates due to unsafe water by as much as 50%.
Look, I like to call myself a writer, but these are just figures and facts gleaned from a half-dozen websites and a few magazine articles.
To me, they tell a more persuasive tale than the finest novel, short story, or informational article.
They're just kids, dammit!